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fire control Compared with "firemen", what are the disadvantages of "firemen"?

April 13, 2024 But“ fire control Soldiers are different. "Firefighters" are soldiers who serve in accordance with national laws and regulations. Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty. In the past, even soldiers standing guard in many fire units must be praised. But now there are many

Endless determination to quit and remove armour -- Jilin General Team quit in winter fire control Personnel leave the team safely

December 5, 2022 Handover water gun, inheritance fire control People's mission; To impart experience and continue the original commitment of firefighters; More than ten years ago, you joined the army and joined the army without regret; For more than ten years, you have poured your blood to guard peace; More than ten years later, you have expectations and wave to tell

fire control When can I cancel stand guard System - Baidu knows

1 answer - answer time: March 18, 2023

Best answer: It will not be cancelled. stand guard In addition to maintaining security and stability, the more important significance is to exercise the willpower of soldiers and show the demeanor and spirit of the Chinese people. fire control The main responsibility of our company is to extinguish fire and rescue services, and also participate in its

Yulin: held in the summer and autumn of 2023 fire control Member exit ceremony

September 7, 2023 September 6, Yulin fire control The rescue detachment held an exit ceremony for firefighters in the summer and autumn of 2023. Five retired firefighters carried their bags on their backs. With deep attachment to fire fighting and unlimited love for their second hometown, they waved goodbye to their comrades in arms and the camp where they grew up day by day, and rushed to the new

... today is my last time stand guard ”|Enlisted | Qin Tian | comrade in arms| fire control Member | Old monitor

December 8, 2023 presentation! Monitor "Today is my last time stand guard ”Goodbye. Goodbye to the rescue station I lived in. Goodbye to my favorite flame blue. Goodbye to my dear comrades in arms. The youth I fought for is still in uniform even though the stars are flowing

Withdrawal in 2023 fire control Member recall. Have you all gone back? You have to go back to the beginning of the dream -

March 27, 2024 Five years should not be recalled. 2 months ago, Henan 0 shared a reply and launched a reply V1 Xu Do you sell rescue services? 1 week ago, Guangdong 0 shared the reply of Shui Miaomiao 💧 ... My boyfriend is in his ninth year, and I don't know how to settle down

Many people believe that the government fire control Retirement is equivalent to laid-off. In fact, they are not firemen

February 29, 2024 Many people believe that the government fire control Retirement is equivalent to laid-off. In fact, it's not a fireman. It's like overtaking on a curve! From Fireline to New Life: Exploring the Multiple Ways for Firefighters after Retirement Firefighters are famous for their high risks and intensity. They are protecting people's lives and wealth

Xiamen Detachment fire control The member retired with honor

December 4, 2023 Day and night change, another year's exit season comes quietly. Recently, Xiamen fire control The rescue detachment actively did a good job of quitting the fire brigade, organized 8 firefighters to bid farewell to "Flame Blue" and quit the fire rescue team with honor. At the farewell ceremony, the firefighters and their teammates quit

It's hard to say goodbye without leaving the Red Gate - Taiyuan fire control Successful completion of the 2021 winter firefighters

December 6, 2021 The cold wind is blowing. Don't be afraid. Exit in winter 2021 fire control Members are going to bid farewell to the team, leaving the team station where they worked, lived and fought, the close comrades in arms who accompanied them day and night, the second hometown they guarded day and night, and the fiery heat

Guangyuan fire control Hold the exit ceremony for firefighters in the winter of 2023

December 8, 2023 December 5, Guangyuan fire control The rescue detachment held an exit ceremony for firefighters in the winter of 2023. The five firefighters bid farewell to the Red Gate, the camp, the red chariot, the team-mates who have been together day and night, the battlefield that was once full of sweat, and the second hometown that has been guarded silently for many years