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fire control member Relatively low frequency of companionship in love This is mainly due to the particularity of the firefighter's career. one

First of all, firefighters are on duty 24 hours a day, and need to be on call at any time to deal with various emergencies, such as fire, rescue, etc. This nature of work makes it difficult for them to have a fixed rest time, and even more difficult to ensure that they can often accompany their girlfriend.

Secondly, before being promoted to regular positions, grass-roots firefighters usually adopt militarized management, live in collective dormitories, and have only one day of vacation a week. This management mode further limits the time firemen spend with their girlfriends.

Moreover, firefighters often need to face high-risk and high-intensity working environment when performing tasks, which will also make them physically and mentally exhausted and difficult to invest more energy in their spare time to accompany their girlfriends.

However, this does not mean that firefighters are unable to fall in love or give their girlfriends enough care. Although the company time is limited, firefighters usually express their love through other ways, such as phone calls, text messages, video calls, etc. At the same time, they will try their best to spend a good time with their girlfriend in the limited rest time.

In addition, the professional characteristics of firefighters also make them a bonus item in love in some aspects. Their courage, selflessness and dedication can often win the respect and worship of their girlfriends.

To sum up, firemen have relatively low frequency of companionship in love, but this does not prevent them from establishing and maintaining a good relationship. The key lies in mutual understanding, support and tolerance.

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