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Why now fire control The rescuers are not easy to recruit and can not be retained- Hearts of comrades in arms

August 27, 2020 Second After restructuring The treatment of firefighters should be improved. Why did so many people like it before When fire fighting Soldiers and firefighters were paid much better than ordinary soldiers. Before the reform, he was a professional soldier. In fact, he didn't need any positions, but after the reform, what was he clearly positioned as

Why? After fire protection reform None of the people on active duty want to work- Baidu Knows

1 answer - answer time: March 31, 2024

Best answer: one Fire protection reform For active service fireman The impact of is multifaceted. For those firefighters who serve in remote areas, especially those who are assigned to Xinjiang from big cities such as Chengdu, before the reform, as long as they have served a certain number of years
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fireman Why was his military status cancelled when he made countless contributions? This is correct from multiple factors

August 18, 2023 For the sake of distinction, the following two fictional characters, Xiao Liu and Xiao Wang, are used to explain fireman The identity and affiliation of. Both Xiao Liu and Xiao Wang were before 2018, that is, the fire protection system reform Previously enlisted. Xiao Liu is in Shanghai Fire Brigade And Xiao Wang is inside

Lose 20% every year! Government full-time fireman What is the reason for "leaving"?

August 11, 2023 At the same time, relevant team leaders of the "national team" responsible for recruiting and managing the government full-time fire brigade in the above areas, the head of the government full-time fire rescue station, and the government full-time staff with different years of employment fireman The forum was held and relevant data were reviewed and analyzed. I Government's full-time consumer

Nobody became a fireman after the reform Is it_ 360 Q&A

September 7, 2021 Nobody became a fireman after the reform Is it? Some people still work as firefighters, which mainly depends on what kind of firefighters they are. If you are a staff member (civil servant or public institution) who has passed the civil servant or public institution examination, you will have a good future and a good financial future. In salary income

Why cancel fireman Your military status?

July 20, 2023 fireman Responsibilities and professional attributes of After reform It is clear. In the past, firefighters had military status and performed military tasks like other soldiers. This has led to ambiguity in tasks in administrative management, emergency rescue, livelihood services and other fields. Cancel

Why cancel fireman Your military status| Fire | rescuer | sacrifice oneself to save others _ NetEase subscription

August 16, 2023 For a while, about cancellation fireman The discussion on the status of the serviceman has aroused widespread concern. Firefighters have always been brave rescuers, sacrificing themselves to save others and protect people's lives and property. However, as you know, After reform The professional identity of firefighters has undergone a fundamental change

cancel fireman Military status! Country, paving the way for fire professionalization _ Netease subscription

August 17, 2023 Because of the particularity of the service group, they face the society and do not have closed training with strong confidentiality. But strictly speaking, they are soldiers. Our country will fireman Being listed as armed police is a development order left over from history, and this change is to make the country

Firefighter reform, Nobody became a fireman after the reform -Inquisitive education

2017 fire control The law does not change the current China, People's Republic of China fire control The Law was revised and adopted at the 11th session of the People's Republic of China and the fifth session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on October 28, 2008, and has been in force since 2009. Fireman reform ( Fireman reform ...

Fire protection reform System transformation, fireman What are the future prospects of?

2 days ago 1. With the acceleration of urbanization and people's attention to the safety of life and property, the importance of fire protection has become increasingly prominent. nothing The government or all sectors of society have put forward higher requirements for fire safety. This trend is fireman ...