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Why should the country fire control soldier cancel _Law adjacency

There are three main reasons as follows: First, building professionalism fire control Team The composition of China's fire brigade has long been in the form of "public security fire brigade as the main force, supplemented by full-time fire brigade and volunteer fire brigade". Among them, the public security fire fighting forces are the main force worthy of the name, and the implementation of the active service system, which is

After the military reform, fire control Why do members have to leave the armed police order when they take off their uniforms and change from military to government?

May 12, 2024 since fire control Since the reform, the fire brigade has changed from "olive green" to "flame blue" in five years, which is not only more specialized, but also transformed from a guardian to a pioneer, showing the style of fire fighters in the new era. Fire fighting forces separated from the armed police organization , transforming into a civil servant, which symbolizes

Government full-time fire control Members will be included in the organization

June 2, 2024 4. Treatment guarantee: the government will increase the number of full-time employees fire control The salary, social insurance, welfare and other benefits of the staff to attract more talents. 5. Team stability: The government will take measures to ensure the stability of the team, including solving the problem of full-time

2023 fire control Members are no longer placed by the Veterans Affairs Department! New department has been established

November 4, 2023 At this stage, fire control The civil affairs department is responsible for the resettlement of retired members. This was mainly because firefighters were regarded as civil servants at that time, and their placement after retirement was mainly in the charge of the personnel department of the government. 2、 2

Approved by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the responsibilities, institutions organization adjustment

Agency administration organization 558. The number of department leaders is one minister and four vice ministers (excluding the country fire control Number of posts of director of the rescue bureau), and one director of the political department (deputy ministerial level). The main responsible comrades of the Emergency Management Department also serve as the first political member of the National Fire Rescue Bureau, the deputy director of the Emergency Management Department

fire control Resettlement of firefighters: firefighters who have been out of resettlement for 12 years or become full-time teams

September 9, 2022 The notice shows that 27 of the 227 retired soldiers received in 2019 will be given priority to be included in the government full-time fire control Team career organization Quota, of which Gucheng Street and Baoyun Street (including the squadron of Huize County Industrial Park) have two institutions, and the other 23 towns and streets are all installed

Public Security fire control The armed police force was officially withdrawn from its ranks, and 53 years of active fire service became history

October 9, 2018 New China fire control The team was established in 1955, when the Ministry of Public Security established the Fire Department. Since 1982, the fire fighting force has belonged to the People's Armed Police Force, which is also a police category of the public security organs. From today on, the fire fighting forces will be officially handed over to the Emergency Management Department, and will not be listed in the military

fire control Why did the members leave the armed police order and become administrative staff- Zhihu

March 15, 2024 More than just reform fire control Instead, the entire armed police force, such as the armed police guard force and border defense force under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Security, has been transformed into the people's police organization , the former

No 2024 national examination fire control Cadre position, in the next few years, can digest the super

October 16, 2023 Establish "National Comprehensive" fire control The "rescue team" shall be under the management of the Emergency Management Department, and the fire commander shall be replaced by the administrative staff organization