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Dongguang County excellent Teacher Zhang Qiumei

4 days ago For more than 20 years, she has been working at the front line of teaching and has made remarkable achievements in ordinary posts She has been awarded many times by the county government. She has won the honorary titles of excellent teacher, advanced individual of teacher morality, backbone teacher, etc

Teacher demeanor | School level famous teacher Tang Guoming : Devoted to educating people without regret, watching the blooming trees

4 days ago In the process of teaching, He works carefully, meticulously and meticulously. He prepares lessons before class with reference to a large number of documents, carefully studies textbooks and syllabus, carefully designs teaching and writes teaching plans ; In the classroom teaching, he has a clear logic, teaching from simple to deep, pay attention to

"The whole country excellent Teacher "Zheng Derong Advanced Deeds _Xinhua

Recently, the Ministry of Education posthumously awarded Professor Zheng Derong of Northeast Normal University "National excellent The honorary title of "teacher" calls on teachers and educational and scientific research workers all over the country to learn from Comrade Zheng Derong. Comrade Zheng Derong was an honorary professor and doctoral supervisor of Northeast Normal University

Faculty advanced Deeds Sample Materials (6 Collections)

March 26, 2023 Model Article 1 of Advanced deeds of faculty and staff Sun Lifen, female, born in November 1975, started working in August 1993, a member of the Communist Party of China, a senior teacher in primary school, and a leader in discipline (mathematics) in Zhangzhou , is now the assistant teacher of Dongshan No. 2 Experimental Primary School

&#xe636 excellent teacher Main deeds (Selected 20 articles) - Baidu Library

50 pages Published on: March 21, 2022
excellent teacher Main deeds "Learning from a high school is a teacher, and virtue is a model" is a sentence that every teacher should remember and use as his own guide to action. It shows that an excellent teacher should not only have rich knowledge, but also have good teachers

excellent teacher Main deeds (23 in general)

January 18, 2023 excellent teacher Main deeds Article 7 xx, female, 36 years old, a member of the Communist Party of China, with a bachelor's degree, started work in July 1997, is a secondary teacher in primary and secondary schools, and currently teaches in Qishan Experimental Primary School. Since teaching for 17 years, she has always been at the forefront of teaching, as a senior Chinese teacher and

excellent teacher Main deeds 5

August 1, 2023 excellent teacher Main deeds (Selected Part 1) Jiang __, female, Han nationality, was born in 1977, has a bachelor's degree, started working in 1996, and is now a senior teacher of primary school Chinese. Mr. Jiang has taken root in the countryside, worked silently, worked selflessly and made selfless contributions, and has worked on the rural education front

Teachers are the most beautiful workers advanced Deeds Materials (25 selected articles)

May 7, 2024 Teachers are the most beautiful workers advanced Deeds Material 1 Someone said, "The image of a teacher is a candle, giving all the light and heat to the students; the character of a teacher is burning, and he would rather sacrifice himself for the students; the joy of a teacher is dedication, and he has exhausted his enthusiasm for the students." Since 21 years of teaching

teacher excellent advanced Deeds 7 Model Essays

August 2, 2022 teacher excellent advanced Deeds Fan Wenpian 1 On the occasion of the th Teacher's Day, Comrade Luo Qing was recommended as an excellent teacher by the school. He has been engaged in school physical education teaching for more than 30 years, always adhere to the Party's educational policy, be loyal to the Party's educational cause, and be solid

excellent Teacher recognition main Of Deeds Materials (6 in general)

August 26, 2022 excellent Teacher recognition main Of Deeds Material 1 Teacher Zhao often said: "When a teacher is happy, young and energetic, 50 year old people are still like 30 years old; when a teacher is happy, often someone" gives gifts "The first peach blossom in spring will bloom on the desk