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Liu Jin

Liu Jin, male, born in 1967, is a member of the Communist Party of China, a master of English language and literature major of Shandong University, a master of literature, and a senior economist. He is now the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, President, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of the Bank of China. Details>

Liu Jin (Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Bank of China,... - Baidu Baike

Liu Jin, President of Bank of China Attend and preside over the economic meeting of business leaders of China and South Korea

March 21, 2024 On the morning of March 20, Yin Li, Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, met with the Korean entrepreneur delegation, Bank of China President Liu Jin attended the meeting On the 19th, Liu Jin was invited to attend the China South Korea Business Leaders' Economic Conference, and served as the representative of the Chinese President, the chairman of the South Korean President CJ Group, the chairman of the South Korean National

Liu Jin, President of Bank of China Speech in the annual report: the blueprint has been drawn, and it is time to work hard

On April 1, the first-line financial news, Bank of China announced its 2023 annual report on the evening of March 28, President Liu Jin delivers a speech Liu Jin said that in 2023, the assets, liabilities and operating income of Bank of China will reach a new level, and the main indicators will be fully completed by the Board of Directors

Liu Jin, President of Bank of China Attend the 2023 Financial Street Forum Annual Meeting Global System Importance Gold

November 10, 2023 Liu Jin, President of Bank of China, attended the round table discussion and made a speech on the topic of "experience and enlightenment of financial risk disposal" Liu Jin said that the just concluded Central Financial Work Conference deployed the financial work for the current and future periods, and proposed that

Liu Jin, President of Bank of China : The development of China's asset management industry should be closely related to the internationalization of RMB

Liu Jin, President of Bank of China: The development of China's asset management industry should be closely combined with the internationalization of RMB On October 12, 2023 Shanghai Global Asset Management Forum opened. Liu Jin, President of the Bank of China, said in his opening speech that the RMB is currently used across borders, internationally

President of Bank of China : The cross-border use of RMB has brought about positive changes in the international monetary system

Shell Finance News of Beijing News (reporter Zhang Xiaochong) November 9, Liu Jin, President of Bank of China At the parallel forum of "Monetary Cooperation and Diversification of the International Monetary System" at the 2023 Financial Street Forum Annual Meeting, he said that the recently held Central Financial Working Conference pointed out that we should be steady, prudent and solid

Chen Jining and Gong Zheng Meet Bank of China Ge Haijiao, Chairman President Liu Jin , Shanghai and China

December 20, 2023 Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, met with Ge Haijiao, Chairman and President of the Bank of China Liu Jin a line. Gong Zheng and Ge Haijiao attended the signing activities and witnessed the signing. Li Zheng, the municipal leader, participated in relevant activities. Vice Mayor Xie Dong

Liu Jin, President of Bank of China : Current China It has become the second largest asset management market after the United States

President of Bank of China Liu Jin : At present, China is the second largest asset management market after the United States Liu Jin, President of Bank of China At the 2023 Shanghai Global Asset Management Forum, it was said that China is now the second largest asset management market after the United States