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Zhang Xinyu, who "marries love", is happy!

Time: 2018-08-20 14:53:22 Source: Author:

[1] You defend the country, I protect you

"If I get married, it must not be because I am old, nor because the conditions are suitable for each other. There is only one reason: marry him, marry love." On August 5, when the actress Zhang Xinyu announced her wedding news on Weibo, she wrote such a sentence.

Then the broker replied: The other side is an excellent instructor He Jie.

The love between female stars and soldiers is too much like a romantic novel. No, it should be said that it is more wonderful and rich than romantic novels. The two got to know each other in a variety show named "The Dog". At that time, they felt that they had a strong sense of CP, but unexpectedly they had achieved a positive result outside the show. This time, netizens changed their attitudes and left messages of blessings, saying how nice it is to marry love!

 Zhang Xinyu 1

And the organ newspaper even commented on Zhang Xinyu: Know heroes with insight!

 Zhang Xinyu 2

No matter what the outside world thinks of Zhang Xin, it is a good thing to find and "marry love". Recently, some netizens said they ran into Zhang Xinyu at the pregnancy examination center. Their friends also confirmed that Zhang Xinyu was pregnant. Congratulations to Zhang Xinyu!

Zhang Xinyu, who is "on the peak of life", is really worth admiring. After all, in today's society, it is easy to find a rich and suitable object, and it is difficult to find a true lover. Sometimes when we chat with others, we can often hear them show off their other half's work, house and car, but seldom hear them show off their sweet life and love.

Do they have love with their other half? Are they happy in their marriage?

Since 2017, the civil affairs departments at all levels and marriage registration agencies have registered 10.631 million marriages in accordance with the law, a decrease of 7.0% over the previous year; A total of 4.374 million couples went through divorce procedures according to law, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year. The divorce rate has been rising for 16 consecutive years.

 Zhang Xinyu 6

I really find it difficult to understand and disagree with these couples' practices. Since there is no emotion, why should we make do with it and live together reluctantly? Are those parents who say "for children" really good for children? These parents should understand that "parents love each other is the best tutor for their children"!

   [2] American concept of marriage and love

It has to be said that the United States has a lot to learn from in terms of marriage and love, and in terms of children's education. The United States is a country that absolutely advocates individual freedom and freedom of personality. In the choice of love or marriage partners, they pay more attention to the convergence of values, rather than the external height, appearance and age. If they fall in love, they will join hands in marriage; If there is no love, they will let go and give each other happiness.

 Zhang Xinyu 7

Of course, in the United States, there are still some people who choose to be single. These people don't have any problems, but haven't met the person who really loves each other. It's better to be handsome and single than to make do. Isn't that the attitude that life should have?

   [3] Single women in America are freezing their eggs

The first thing that can have a profound impact on everyone's life is their parents. In China, there are still many families that teach girls to study hard, or to be gentle, "girlish", or even beautiful, so that they can marry a successful husband in the future. Many social media also guide girls in this way, for example, they comment on the marriage of stars, and judge which star is more successful by whose husband's economic price adjustment is good.

There is very little such education in the United States. Women in the United States are generally independent. They have never been the type of "birds in love with people", but independent, powerful individuals opposed to men. Even if they do not get married before the age of 30, they do not need to worry about receiving "special attention" from the society. Because in the United States, no one will say that they are "leftover women", and they will not be analyzed, or "sympathized" or "ridiculed.

 Zhang Xinyu 8

In the United States, it is very common for single women to freeze their eggs. Frozen eggs can preserve their fertility in time, so that women can work hard when they want to fight, and have their own babies when they want to enjoy family happiness. The GFG · USA Assisted Reproduction Center, located in midtown Manhattan, New York, with Dr. Kevin Dudie, president of the National Association for Assisted Reproduction (SART) as the chief scientist, has become the common choice of more and more women.

   [4]  Frozen eggs, things you don't know

Dr. Kevin Dudie told us that many women are afraid of freezing eggs because they are afraid of aging due to taking eggs. In fact, this view is wrong.

Every woman is born with about one million follicles stored in her ovaries. By puberty, the number of follicles has decreased to about 300000. After the age of 37, the number of follicles dropped sharply, and there were not many left by the age of 40. Each menstrual cycle will have multiple follicles developing at the same time, and generally only one will mature and enter ovulation. Other undeveloped follicles will degenerate, lose their function and be discharged from the body.

 There is a telephone

The principle of freezing eggs is to stimulate the eggs that do not normally develop successfully to continue to develop. If these eggs are not frozen, they will also naturally lose with this menstrual cycle. Therefore, frozen eggs are used as waste, rather than stealing future eggs. Therefore, female friends can rest assured that the process of egg retrieval will not accelerate women's aging, nor will they take all the eggs from their ovaries.

In addition, Ms. Liu Anyi, CEO of GFG · USA, explained to us that no matter the eggs are fresh or frozen, they will not be bad. Frozen eggs will not cause malformations or anything. Because the genes are fixed, there is no need to worry that frozen eggs will cause chromosomal abnormalities.

Ms. Liu Anne hopes that through the frozen egg technology, female friends can balance the relationship between love, career and family, and pursue their own love.

 three hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine trillion and twenty-eight billion two hundred and twenty million six hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight

Please remember: there is no age to get married, only love to get married. My life is so long, so girls must not rush to marry themselves out. In a twinkling of an eye, a small thought may determine your future life. Only by "marrying love" can we gain happiness!

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