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China's largest gas storage starts gas supply this winter

Time: 2022-11-24 10:31:39 Source: Author:

On November 19, with the slow opening of the gas flow valve of HUHWK4 well in the Hutubi gas storage of PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield, the largest gas storage in China, the Hutubi gas storage of Xinjiang Oilfield, officially launched the tenth cycle of gas production operation, injecting strong momentum into the supply of natural gas this winter and next spring.


Gas production site of Hutubi gas storage

The Hutubi gas storage has a total designed capacity of 10.7 billion cubic meters, which is the first 10 billion cubic meters gas storage in China and the first gas storage along the Second West East Gas Pipeline. In addition to ensuring the winter heating gas consumption in many areas in northern Xinjiang, the natural gas in the gas storage is also transported to Beijing, Shanghai and other places through the West East Gas Pipeline to meet the needs of residents and enterprises along the line.

According to the relevant person in charge of Xinjiang Oilfield Gas Storage Co., Ltd., Hutubi Gas Storage successfully completed the gas injection reserve task in summer in accordance with the principle of "storing as much as possible and striving to store as much as possible", injecting 580 million cubic meters more gas than last year, reaching the highest level in history. In winter, the supply guarantee period will be achieved by gradually expanding the capacity of new wells, optimizing the differential pressure of old wells, and other measures, Improve the peak shaving and supply assurance capacity of gas storage, and effectively play the role of "ballast" of gas storage.

In order to ensure a safe and stable gas supply, the staff of Hutubi Gas Storage did a good job in preparation for gas production and production in advance, used the balance period to maintain key equipment and facilities, scientifically prepared the winter gas production plan, peak shaving operation plan and emergency supply guarantee plan in extreme weather, and implemented the tasks one by one for each single well and measure by measure.

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