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Non governmental exchange forum for sustainable rural development in BRICS countries

Time: 2022-04-30 15:59:41 Source: Author:

Chinese civil society organizations have been committed to rural revitalization and sustainable development for many years. They have many experiences in rural energy transformation and environmental protection, which can be used as a reference and model for the construction of sustainable rural development in other BRICS countries.

On the evening of September 9, 2021, leaders of the BRICS countries held the 13th meeting via video, which clearly pointed out: "We recognize the importance of agricultural and rural revitalization to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."

In order to promote mutual exchanges between BRICS social organizations, understand international needs, enhance people to people connections, maintain harmonious and friendly multilateral relations, and help Chinese enterprises and Chinese social organizations further "go global". The Urban and Rural Power (Rural Power) Development Center of China Energy Research Association, together with Chongqing Renewable Energy Society, Sichuan Haihui Poverty Alleviation Center, Gansu Green Camel Bell Environmental Development Center and other domestic social organizations, as well as relevant social organizations of BRICS countries, will hold the "BRICS Rural Sustainable Development Folk Exchange Forum".

This forum is based on the theme of the importance and experience of energy transformation in rural sustainable development. Online registration is adopted to participate in the forum. Rural energy enterprises with international cooperation business are welcome to actively participate. Matters related to the forum are as follows:

1、 Forum organization

Guiding unit:

Chongqing Association of Science and Technology; China NGO International Exchange Promotion Association (TBD); China Association for the Promotion of International NGO Cooperation


Chongqing Renewable Energy Society; Sichuan Haihui Poverty Alleviation Service Center; Gansu Green Camel Bell Environmental Development Center; Urban and Rural Power Development Center of China Energy Research Association

Supported by:

Chongqing Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Gansu NGO International Exchange Promotion Association; Organizing Committee of China Latin America Regional Cooperation Forum

2、 Agenda

Meeting time Meeting content Speech topic Speaker
14:00-14:10 Message Leader's speech Leaders of Chongqing Association for Science and Technology
14:10-15:50 Rural energy transformation and sustainable development goal SDG7 Rural clean energy and green agricultural development Gao Wanlin Professor of China Agricultural University, Vice Chairman of Expert Committee of Urban and Rural Power Development Center of China Energy Research Association
Rural photovoltaic power stations and electric vehicles Dr. C S Azad PhD Secretary General, Indian Association of Energy Managers
Rural energy demand in Africa (to be determined) Sustaining the Wild Coast Sinegugu Zukulu
Biomass energy in rural Brazil Maria Am á lia Souza Socio Environmental Fund
15:50-17:30 Rural environmental protection and rural revitalization Rural UAV Poverty Alleviation and Environmental Protection Project Chen Taiyong Director of Sichuan Haihui Poverty Alleviation Center
Rural environmental education in India Sanjay Vashist Director, South Asia Climate Action Network
Rural environmental protection in Russia (to be determined) Russian institutions
Rural Environmental Protection Practice of Chinese Civil Society Organizations Wang Xiangyi China Climate Action Network
17:30-17:40 summary Meeting summary Chongqing Renewable Energy Society

Time: 14:00-18:00 Beijing Time, May 10, 2022

Way of participation: WeChat scan the QR code below and fill in relevant information to register for participation

4、 Contact information

Contact: Huang Lei

Tel.: 010-83522557

Mobile: 13701278405 (same as WeChat)

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