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Melody of Spring

Time: 2019-02-13 10:36:10 Source: Asia Europe Network Author: Yang Bingyang

Listen to the tinkling mountain spring! Listen to the chirping birds! Look, the bright sunshine! Look, the butterflies dancing in the flowers! Listen again, and the intermittent rain! Look again, listen again, there are also lightning, thunder, and many, many...... Compose a melody of spring!

The most enviable thing in spring is the warm sunshine. After a winter of cold, the warm sun that people expect finally gently shines on the earth, at this time, more and more people are going out! The old man took the children, the wife took the husband, the lovers held hands, and the friends, in groups of three or five, smiled, walked, played, and chatted leisurely and loosely by the river and in the park.

The willows by the river are getting greener day by day. At first, they are waving long dead branches, but within two days, they are covered with a light layer of tender green. In a day or two, the tender buds sent out thin leaves, so the spring breeze blew, and the willow tree, like a spring girl who had just woken up, began to comb her hair and show her beautiful waist. There are also naughty children who jump to pick three or two branches, weave them into willow rings and put them on their heads to show off to their friends playfully.

The square in spring is the busiest, where the grass starts to turn green early, emitting waves of refreshing grass fragrance. The flowers in the square garden are also blooming, red, yellow, white, purple, and fragrant. There are more and more kites over the square, and more and more people come to take photos. The sun made people's faces more and more ruddy. People could not help but shed the thick layer of winter clothes outside and expose various fancy sweaters inside. They stretched out easily, making butterflies unable to distinguish between flowers and people. They unknowingly intruded into the crowd. The naughty child suddenly got into the flowers, but could not be found for a while.

Spring in the city can't hold young hearts. The boys and girls formed several teams to start the spring outing on the weekend. They will go to a wider field, where there are green grass and fresh vegetables. There are also patches of golden rape flowers, slow old scalpers and docile lambs; They want to go to the mountains, where there are lush trees, newly unearthed bamboo shoots, deep reservoirs, mountain springs, pink peach flowers, snow-white pear flowers, and azaleas! Everything in spring is so beautiful!

After a few sunny days, the lightning broke through the sky, a thunder, and the spring rain poured down. People had to add more clothes. But spring is spring, and rain can't stop people from going out! Look, all kinds of colorful umbrellas are beginning to decorate the world! As the saying goes, spring rain is as precious as oil. The farmers saw hope when they saw the heavy rain. They began to prepare for spring ploughing, pear fields and sowing. The rain seemed to fall on their hearts, which made them happy! The rain in spring doesn't last long, it just stops and stops. As soon as the sky cleared up, the swallows under the eaves began to fly around, busy building their nests, and their families chattered, looking forward to the arrival of every good day!

How beautiful the melody of spring is!

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