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The purchase amount of Jiangsu Provincial Enterprises in the Expo is nearly 1.1 billion dollars

Time: 2018-11-13 17:24:57 Source: Author:

During the first China International Import Expo, the Jiangsu Provincial Enterprise Delegation led by the SASAC of Jiangsu Province actively participated in the Expo and carried out procurement negotiations, and achieved fruitful results. More than 120 procurement cooperation agreements were signed, with a total procurement scale of 1.09 billion US dollars. Among them, food and agricultural products were $290 million, medical devices and health care were $260 million, intelligent and high-end equipment were $190 million, consumer electronics and household appliances were $160 million, and service trade was $130 million.

Before the exhibition, Jiangsu Provincial Enterprise Delegation actively organized enterprises to register for the exhibition, and more than 1400 people from 30 member enterprises (including financial and cultural enterprises) registered as professional visitors. During the exhibition, all member enterprises actively carried out procurement cooperation negotiations, and five provincial enterprises signed purchase orders of more than US $100 million. Among them, Shuntian Group under Guoxin Group reached 320 million dollars, Jiangsu Leasing under Jiangsu Transportation Holding Co., Ltd. reached 200 million dollars, Suhao Holding Group and its affiliated enterprises reached 230 million dollars, Provincial Marine Enterprise Group and its affiliated enterprises reached 140 million dollars, and Huihong Group and its affiliated enterprises reached 120 million dollars.

At the Cross border E-commerce Import Commodity Purchase Fair hosted by Jiangsu Province, Suyan Group signed a cooperation agreement with Shanghai International Import Trading Services Co., Ltd. to jointly establish a one-stop import trading service platform in Jiangsu Province. Heads of enterprises such as SOHO Holdings Group and China Overseas Enterprises Group were invited to attend the China Belarus Business Forum, and SOHO Holdings Group signed a memorandum of cooperation with Belarus Light Industry Group. Representatives of Suhao Holding Group, Huihong Group, Zhongjiang International Group, Shuntian Group and other relevant groups were invited to attend the National Trade Hong Kong Experience Forum.

During the exhibition, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Jiangsu Province actively guided enterprises to extensively contact customers, orderly organize participation, and assist in important guest meetings, major project signing, purchase transaction statistics and other activities. After the exhibition, we will continue to further promote cooperation, do a good job in project follow-up services, and make full use of the platform of the Import Expo to promote provincial enterprises to better participate in international trade and expand foreign cooperation.

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