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Beijing Artist Shaping: The 2020 Academy Celebration Ceremony is about to open, and stars and fans will gather!

Time: April 11, 2020 22:07:41 Source: Author:

Beijing Artists

Courtyard Celebration Ceremony

Gathering elites from various industries

Super strong domestic expert lineup

International plastic surgery technology that brings fashion, cutting-edge and safety

On April 18, the gala banquet of the Artists' Academy kicked off

Provide one-stop beauty service for women who love beauty

Take you to be beautiful Take you to fly

100 boutique projects with special offers

In order to be grateful for the star fans, they have been accompanying us with beauty all the way. Artists have made special offers for hundreds of boutique projects,

We are committed to bringing you experience and starting a romantic and beautiful journey!

Adhere to ingenuity and constantly innovate medical and aesthetic technology

Beijing Yixing Plastic Surgery Hospital has continuously innovated medical technology,

Become an important indicator to test the strength and development vitality of medical and aesthetic institutions

Customers are increasingly demanding of Yimei,

This requires medical and aesthetic institutions to keep in mind the nature of medical care,

Only by improving the quality of hospital service can we achieve long-term development.

As a high-end medical beauty brand in China, Yestar,

Will show self style

Realizing the value of life provides a more solid stage

Artists' research and development of new products, achieving multidisciplinary integration,

Creating the peak of beauty is a breakthrough in medical beauty,

It has set a standard for the industry and promoted the leap forward progress of Chinese medicine and aesthetics.

Yestar, medical beauty, beauty, high-end customization

Address: No.16, Middle East Third Ring Road, Beijing

Yestar Beijing Artist Medical Beauty Commitment:

We will do our best to help every beauty lover reach a safe and carefree beauty wish

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