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What will Shanxi Sanhe Film and Television Media do at the end of 2019?

Time: 2019-12-05 16:17:50 Source: Author:

In 2019, there are more than 20 days to celebrate the happy ending! It is said that the temperature of the global village has been rising every year recently, but have all walks of life really had a good time this year? Today, we interviewed Mr. Ren Liang, the general manager of Shanxi Sanhe Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. How can he lead the company to end the year at the end of 2019.


Behind many words, such as "product effect integration", "thousands of people and thousands of faces", is the solution of Internet technology to traditional advertising. What customers really want is face saving. Once the company image is good, it will not worry about no performance. Now, it is difficult to start a two pronged strategy, because there are more and more choices to face.


In a twinkling of an eye, the year 2020 will come. In this year when millennials, represented by Qianxi, will celebrate their 20th birthday, a new Kangbo cycle is being born. Despite the reluctance to part with the past, a new economic era has arrived as promised. Hot words such as "bonus", "break", "recession", "reconstruction"... will soon fill the media summary at the end of the year, which is actually filled with more negative emotions and fears of recession.

What is interesting is that when we look back at the end of each stage of human history, we are almost moving forward in difficulties, looking forward to the beauty of the past, and singing down the future world; But when the real crisis comes, they are always full of confidence. Shanxi Sanhe film and television media actively seek a way out in the predicament, and firmly believe that what remains is recognized by the market.


Of course, as described in the book, "there are two situations that can make a lot of money: one is the prosperous era of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the other is the crisis in troubled times". In the bleak social background, there are also great opportunities for the new cycle. Only a few people who are confident and more fearless of difficulties are willing to believe that the future is ahead.

In today's situation, enterprises attach importance to the effect, but often ignore their own brands. So what exactly is the effect? What is a brand? What do we need to pay to increase sales?


Zhang Rui, founder and CEO of Shiqu, gave a simple example of "Luckin": Luckin itself is a "pond", and the purchasing power brought by various channels is like water diverted from various channels. To build a brand is to build the "dam" of this pond; When you stop channeling, that is, stop spending money to buy water from all channels, how much water can be left in your pond depends on the height of your dam, which is the relationship between brand investment and effect investment.

If the enterprise fully depends on the channel dividend instead of building a dam for brand growth, then when the channel dividend disappears, the enterprise will lose the core competitiveness of its own brand, and the brand will die soon. And this dam contains all the power of the brand: product power, charm, consumer relations

Brand is the overall structure of an enterprise. Brand values are the basis for an enterprise to recognize "who I am". The rest is to consider how to spread charm and attract people who want to attract. Shanxi Sanhe Film&TV Media Co., Ltd. has been building a solid dam for its customers. Only when its own brand is reliable can growth be assured.

Others may ask why the growth thinking model cannot create its own brand?

If we split the brand value, it can be divided into three dimensions: popularity, reputation and loyalty. Fame represents exposure, reputation represents positive association and trust, and loyalty can be reflected in repurchase and second recommendation. The growth can only solve the problem of popularity, that is, let more users know and experience your products, but it is difficult to solve the problem of reputation and loyalty. In the end, it is difficult to escape from the channel traffic, and its survival will be in the hands of the channel platform; A good "brand" has the ability to cross channels, and users will also follow the "brand" for active channel migration.


Building brand value is not easy, but the feeling of rapid growth will make people addicted. When grasping the channel flow dividend, enterprises can often usher in short-term high-speed development. When the channel dividend gradually recedes, marketers accustomed to the high-speed growth period will naturally look for another channel dividend and refuse to stay to build a long-term corporate brand. Even though our Shanxi Sanhe Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. has unique resources and price advantages in the channel dividends required by these customers, we still urge customers to do more activities to build their own brands and avoid blindly following the trend!

Some customers will have inertia dependence on rapid development, which will make such enterprises fall into "poor thinking" in marketing. Enterprises constantly spend a lot of energy to pursue various hot dividends, but forget to build their own brand core competitiveness. Just like Eskimo people catch wolves through blood wrapped blades, the more thirsty the wolves are for blood, the more they will lick the blood clots on the blades, and eventually they will lose too much blood and die.

For brands, blindly pursuing the ROI of channel launch will always fail to build a real brand competitiveness. The reason is as mentioned above, no enterprise can always maintain a high ROI launch. When more and more people find the channel dividend, it will disappear. In other words, it is impossible to create a brand only by using effect advertising. We can learn about an extreme example. For example, Apple has never played "effect advertising", but this does not prevent it from becoming a brand that attracts attention.

Li Ziqiang, a former master of Kang in China, said: When Chinese brands rise, they often ignore the building of brand power. They have no patience, energy, and courage to build their own brands, which makes it difficult to create enterprises with an "everlasting foundation".

Many of the contents mentioned today are from the experience of Kangdi, Zhou Zai'an and other industry professionals. I will share them with you after learning from them. Thank you!


In the future, whoever can complete the real consumer insight will be able to follow the real trend of the next step: to build a brand truly user centered under the consumer demand of brand building and technology building. This is not only the thing to do at the end of 19 years, but also the thing we have been doing. Even if advertisers and brands are exploring hard, we, Shanxi Sanhe Film&TV Media Co., Ltd., will strive to find a panacea for contemporary customers with a heart of exploration!

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