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Monkey King has received three disciples, one is Chenxiang, the other is the king, and the last one is too awesome!

Time: 2018-07-17 11:06:16 Source: Author:

Many people's impression of Monkey King has always been that he was very powerful on the way to learn scriptures in the West, and there were a series of things like making a big noise in the Heavenly Palace. But finally, after a series of hardships, he finally completed the fight to defeat the Buddha. But few people know that the Monkey King once had three disciples, and each of them was very powerful. Do you know who they were? Now let's take you to understand.


Monkey King has received three disciples, one is Chenxiang, the other is the king, and the last one is too awesome! Among these disciples, the most famous one should belong to Chen Xiang. The story in the Baolian Lantern has also been introduced. Chen Xiang once worshipped the Monkey King. In fact, at first, Monkey King was unwilling. After all, the ultimate enemy of Chenxiang was the Jade Emperor. Although Monkey King was not afraid of these people, he was unwilling to take care of these things. But in the end, he was moved by him, taught all his skills to Chenxiang, and helped him save his mother.
The first apprentice of Monkey King was collected on his way to get scriptures. This apprentice was the prince of Yuhua State. Maybe Monkey King taught him how to practice before he left, so finally Monkey King left to get scriptures in the west. But the prince of Yuhua State has been practicing all the time and finally became the king of Yuhua State. However, he did not explain the final fate of the king. Maybe he will be different from ordinary people after practicing.
The last one is so awesome, because he is the successor of Sun Wukong. This disciple is also a monkey called Sun Xiaosheng. Sun Wukong sincerely treats him as his successor, and has taught all his skills to this little monkey, and even brought his own hoop curse to him. Moreover, it is said that this little monkey once defended people to go to the Western Heaven to get scriptures. It can be said that no matter which way he took, he was exactly the same as the Monkey King. It was so awesome that he was called the true successor of the Monkey King.
Monkey King has received three disciples, one is Chenxiang, the other is the king, and the last one is too awesome! Which disciple of the Monkey King do readers think is the best?


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