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The opening ceremony of the documentary "Charm of the Western Regions" was held in Urumqi

Time: 2018-11-23 19:39:18 Source: Author:

(ASEM) On November 13, the opening ceremony of 4K series documentary "Charm of the Western Regions" was held in Urumqi. The film is produced by Xinjiang Bailian Yida Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Zhizhen Nianhua Film Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., and Xinjiang Renmin University Alumni Association.

In the form of documentary+film scene representation, this film describes the unique musical instruments and music culture in Xinjiang, reflects the inheritance and spread of music culture in the core area of the Belt and Road Initiative, and reflects the positive energy works of national unity through the integration of musical instruments and music culture! The whole film is tentatively scheduled to be ten episodes, with each episode lasting 15-20 minutes.

Luo Yang, the producer and vice president of Xinjiang Urumqi Charity Federation, said in an interview: Van Gogh said that there is no immortality, including art. The only immortality is that art conveys the understanding of people and the world. The Western Regions Charm Documentary is one of the minority art expressions in the film and television category. It describes history, humanity, environment and other contents in the form of documentary, Make the film and television works more authentic, make modern people more aware of the beauty of musical instrument culture, improve people's new research on musical instruments, and create more and better musical instruments! After nearly a year of preparation, the large-scale 4K series documentary "Charm of the Western Regions" will describe the unique musical instruments and music culture in Xinjiang in the form of documentary+film scene reproduction, reflect the inheritance and spread of music culture in the core area of the Belt and Road, and transmit positive energy. Through the integration of musical instruments and music culture, it will reflect the positive energy works of the era of the development of musical instruments in Xinjiang!

The whole film focuses on the description of the history and production technology of national musical instruments, and restores the history through singing and dancing performances and visits to find roots, so as to show the unique charm of new national music, dance and musical instruments to the public, as well as the outstanding contributions to the prosperity of Chinese culture such as music and opera, which is both the call of the times and the strengthening of national unity, It is an important measure to cultivate the cultural identity of the Chinese nation.

In the shooting process, many techniques such as time delay, UAV, gyroscope, high-speed shooting, macro shooting, fixed focus shooting, etc. are used to show the national music culture, magnificent mountains and rivers, economic development, national harmony, improvement of people's livelihood, intangible cultural protection and other aspects. It is not only a documentary, but also a folk film, or a landscape film.

The play director Sha Muran

He was the former host of the "Hot Spots Tracking" program of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps TV Station. In 2005, he turned to the backstage, and created and directed nearly 300 film and television works (documentaries, propaganda films, feature films, micro films, and screenplay creation) through learning and practice, following groups in Beijing and Guangzhou, and further education for 12 years.

Representative works: the producer of the large-scale 4K epic documentary "Jianger's Grassland", which is currently under shooting;

Directed the large-scale 4K documentary Xinjiang Soaring on the Silk Road, and the project is currently in progress;

The screenwriter of the epic film "Stick Karzal Monk" is preparing to shoot; Writer of the epic film Yili Revolution of 1911; In preparation for shooting;

Screenwriter of the epic documentary Manas; In 2015, the micro film "Never Leave the Task Force" of the village working group of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Company was directed, and this film won the commendation of the national grid system and the autonomous region's village reporting film; Editor and director of The Most Beautiful Tex;

Editor and director of "Pure Land on Earth - Nilek";

In the movie "Uncover the Truth", she plays the No. 1 female; Editor and director of undergraduate teaching evaluation film of Xinjiang University, University of Finance and Economics, University of Arts;

Cartoon director of major real estate in Xinjiang;

Director and host the opening ceremony of the 37th class of MBA seminar in Xinjiang of Renmin University of China;

Planning and directing the launch ceremony of Lexus;

Planning and directing the launch ceremony of Wanda Plaza;

Director of the Celebration Party of Xinjiang University;

Interview with director Sha Muran

According to the reporter, Wang Zhibin was photographed and aerial photographed in this play; Producer Gao Jianzhong; Photography director Xu Zhenhuan, etc.

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