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CNOOC: Continuously increase exploration efforts to promote new reserves to peak

Time: 2022-09-28 10:40:05 Source: Author:

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's marine oil and gas exploration has ushered in a period of great development.

This is a decade for CNOOC to keep its original intention and mission in mind, continue to strive for "working for the Party in the economic field", "I offer oil for the motherland", continue to increase exploration efforts, promote the peak of new reserves, and make full contributions to the power of CNOOC in order to "keep the job of energy in their own hands"——

From 2012 to 2021, China's sea area will become one of the most active regions in global exploration activities, approaching the total amount of reserves discovered in the past 30 years. CNOOC stands up as the backbone of central enterprises in comprehensively improving energy security capability.

This is a decade in which CNOOC has been striving to "develop oil and gas resources with our own equipment, improve energy self-sufficiency rate, and ensure national energy security" and become a "striver" and "respondent" in the implementation of the major strategic deployment of building a maritime power based on high-level science and technology——

CNOOC overcame world-class oil and gas exploration and development problems such as deep water, high temperature and high pressure; Grasp the "key" to open the deep water energy treasure, and realize the historic leap from 300 meters to 1500 meters of ultra deep water; Leading the Bohai Bay Super Basin into a new era of large-scale oil and gas exploration

Go into deep water to explore the treasure

In 2012, the 18th National Congress of the CPC made a major deployment to build a maritime power. It was also in this year that the first 3000 meter deepwater drilling platform drilling equipment designed and built by China ushered in the first drilling in the South China Sea that attracted worldwide attention.

This is an important milestone for China's offshore oil exploration and development from shallow water to deep water. This drill officially opened the curtain of China's oil and gas development into deep water.

With drilling equipment as the core, CNOOC has built more than 70 major deepwater equipment with huge investment, which together form the "COOEC Heavy Equipment" echelon, achieving many leaps in offshore oil and gas drilling capacity from 300 meters to more than 3000 meters, exploration operation capacity from 500 meters to 3000 meters, and pipe laying capacity from 300 meters to 3000 meters, It has enabled China to provide all-round exploration, development and production services within 3000 meters of water depth in all sea areas around the world, and opened a big era for China to explore and develop deepwater oil and gas in the South China Sea and compete in the world.

In the past ten years, CNOOC has continued the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics with greater determination and strength, taking the realization of self-reliance in high-level science and technology and the creation of a source of original technology as the magic weapon of victory in the new development stage, and by establishing a new mode of long-distance lateral migration and accumulation of natural gas in the deep water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, The formation of deep-water Miocene submarine fan trap effectiveness and scale accumulation theory, etc., gradually overcome the deep-water problem of world-class oil and gas exploration and development, making China one of the few countries in the world that systematically master a full set of exploration and development technologies in this field, ranking among the world's advanced ranks, and greatly improving China's deep-water exploration capability.

In 2014, CNOOC made a historic breakthrough in exploration in the South China Sea, and China's first 1500m deep water self operated ultra deepwater atmospheric field, "Deepwater No.1", came into being. This is the first high-yield atmospheric field obtained by CNOOC's deep-water self operated exploration, opening a door to the deep-water oil and gas "treasure" in the South China Sea.

Taking the central canyon where the "Deepwater No.1" ultra deepwater atmospheric field is located as the axis, CNOOC expanded its exploration to the east and west wings, and successively discovered Lingshui 25-1, Lingshui 18-1 and other deepwater gas fields. At the same time, China has found deep water oilfields such as Liuhua 20-2 and Liuhua 21-2 in the "gas rich basin" in the east of the South China Sea, and discovered high-yield and large-scale light oil reservoir reserves in deep water and deep water for the first time.

Deep water exploration builds the foundation for deep water development. With the continuous production of China's first deep-water gas field group, the first deep-water oil field group in the east of the South China Sea, and the "Deepwater No.1" ultra deep-water atmospheric field in the west of the South China Sea and other deep-water oil and gas fields, deep-water oil and gas production has reached tens of millions of tons, which has become an important force to safeguard national energy security and promote the construction of a trillion square meter atmospheric area in the South China Sea from a blueprint to a reality.

Majestic oil and gas out of buried hill

In the past ten years, CNOOC has stepped into the deep and buried hills as magnificent as stepping into the deep water. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, CNOOC people have once again stepped into the buried hill.

On December 14, 2016, Bozhong 19-6 exploration, which is the dream of all CNOOC people, kicked off, and CNOOC embarked on the "geological Everest" - buried hill oil and gas reservoir journey to conquer Bozhong sag.

In August 2018, when testers opened the nozzle of Well 7, a huge gas dragon unprecedented in the Bohai Sea tumbled into the tank, and then spewed into a huge oil testing flame, roaring out from the burning arm of the platform, and the fierce flames reflected the sky.

When the scene was "seen" in the real-time data monitoring system, the hearts of people while drilling were racing. The maximum daily output of this well is more than 600 cubic meters of oil equivalent, which has determined the reserves of natural gas in Bozhong 19-6 Gas Field to be more than 100 billion cubic meters at one fell swoop. The largest packaged high yield condensate gas high-quality mineral deposit in eastern China was shocked to come out.

In 2021, a batch of new discoveries of 100 million tons, such as Bozhong 13-2, will further enrich the theoretical understanding of exploration in the middle and deep layers of the Bohai Bay basin, have important promotion value for the future exploration of similar buried hills in the Bohai Sea and even in China's offshore, and make it possible for the Bohai Oilfield to realize full basin gas exploration!

The "buried hill fever" caused by the great success of Bohai buried hill exploration is even more difficult to estimate. The explorers looked at the Pearl River Mouth Basin.

In order to "change life against the sky" for the buried hill, the explorers opened the seismic data in 1995 and 2015, without conditions to create conditions, and dissected the underground mystery layer by layer; Basement characteristics of buried hill wells drilled by carpet carding; Starting with the origin and dynamic mechanism of the basin, the Huizhou 26-6 structure is systematically studied; The group went to Bohai Oilfield to "learn from saturation"... It is proved by a lot of facts and data that Huizhou 26-6 is a "high-quality" buried hill.

In 2020, Huizhou 26-6 oil and gas field will be launched. This is the first major breakthrough in China's exploration in the new field of buried hills in the eastern waters of the South China Sea, breaking the 40 year history of no commercial discovery in the field of buried hills in the eastern waters of the South China Sea at one fell swoop, showing a huge exploration prospect in this field.

This is just the beginning. Since this year, the exploration and evaluation project of buried hill belt in the south of central Bohai Sea has made major breakthroughs in several tectonic Archean strata. In the future, buried hill exploration is full of infinite possibilities.

Lithological exploration

The decade of the new era is also the decade when the trend of offshore lithologic exploration in China is in full swing.

In 2020, CNOOC will be the only 100 million ton oil field in the Bohai Sea that has not found oil and gas fields in the past half century - Kenli 6-1 Oilfield. In order to "promote" Kenli 6-1 Oilfield, CNOOC has gone through the "Long March" of several generations and has striven for 40 years.

Whether there is a large oil field in the shallow layer depends on the conditions conducive to large-scale accumulation of oil and gas such as high bulges in the deep layer. According to this theory, Bohai oil men locked the shallow layer, transferred the exploration direction from the high point of the bulge to the low part, and from the structural lithologic trap to the lithologic trap. At the same time, change exploration ideas, innovate geological understanding and tackle key technologies.

As soon as the idea changed, the exploration of the bulge completely opened up the situation, ended the history of "oil without field" in Laibei low bulge, and successfully achieved hundred million tons of proved geological reserves.

Explorers continue to tap potential in the "exploration restricted area" and turn their eyes to the traditional "exploration restricted area" - Laizhou Bay depression area.

Explorers fully learned from the exploration experience of Kenli 6-1 Oilfield, innovated and proposed the "turning convergence" reservoir forming mode of long-distance horizontal migration of shallow sand bodies in the sag, solved the key problems of shallow oil and gas reservoir forming in the sag, and finally successfully discovered the 100 million ton lithologic oilfield - Kenli 10-2 Oilfield, the former "exploration restricted area", It has become a large lithologic oil field covering an area of more than 100 square kilometers.

The successful discovery of Kenli 10-2 Oilfield has broken the situation that the shallow layers of Bohai oilfield sag have never been found to be 100 million ton lithologic oil fields, and has shown broad prospects for the exploration of lithologic oil and gas reservoirs in Bohai.

Through innovative geological understanding and changing exploration ideas, gas has mushroomed in large and medium-sized oil fields such as shallow to deep, shallow to deep, Bohai Sea to the South China Sea, and Qinhuangdao 29-2 East in the past ten years. The natural gas reserves discovered in the west of the South China Sea during the "13th Five Year Plan" period alone are the sum of the reserves discovered in the past 30 years.

On February 28, 2021, a good news of exploration was also exciting - CNOOC discovered a large gas field of 100 billion square meters on land for the first time. Approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the proven geological reserves of Shanxi Linxing Gas Field exceed 101 billion cubic meters

Looking back on this decade, CNOOC has achieved the best results in domestic offshore oil and gas exploration in history. The proven geological reserves have grown steadily, and dozens of large and medium-sized oil and gas fields have been discovered successively; Unconventional oil and gas exploration has accelerated the integration process of exploration, development and production, and the proven reserves and production of natural gas have increased significantly, laying a solid reserve foundation for the better development of CNOOC; The recoverable reserves of overseas exploration interests have grown steadily, and the cooperation has formed reserves scale areas such as the Sahara in North Africa, both sides of the South Atlantic, the East African Rift Zone, Southeast Asia, and West Africa lithology.

On the new "test drive", CNOOC is adhering to the concept of "blue sea loyalty, energy serving the country", vigorously implementing the "three major projects" and "one action", constantly taking the lead as a "runner", facing difficulties with the heroic feeling of "starting again", rising again, making new contributions, demonstrating the responsibility and value of central enterprises and writing "I offer oil for the motherland" Answer sheet for the new era!

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