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Hanneng Hanqiang came out, and the power generation wall became a new landmark

Time: 2018-09-30 08:46:43 Source: Author:

On September 29, Beijing Water Cube, Hanergy released a new thin-film solar energy product - Hanqiang. Hanqiang adopts the world's most advanced glass based copper indium gallium selenium thin film solar energy technology, which has both safety and power generation performance. It is the world's first "green system solution for power wall". As the third generation building solution of Hanergy, Hanqiang has become very mature in technology and application, and its release will become an important milestone in the history of global ecological architecture.

Li Hejun, the founder of Hanergy, Du Risheng, the managing director of North Asia of the U.S. Green Building Council, Paul Haslam, the director of Dubai Affan Construction Engineering Company, the famous architect, and Liu Qian, the chief designer of Hanergy Solar Energy Design and Research Institute, were invited to attend the meeting. In addition to the main venue in Beijing, Hong Kong, China, Los Angeles, Brazil, Sao Paulo, Tokyo, Japan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates were held at the same time.

On the same day, Hanergy creatively brought the "forest flavor" into the press conference. Thousands of distinguished guests and media guests from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, urban planning, architectural design and real estate industry witnessed this historical moment in the most "green and natural" environment.

Li Hejun, founder of Hanergy, delivered a speech on the spot

The day of Hanqiang's press conference is also Hanergy's 29th anniversary celebration day. Li Hejun, the founder of Hanergy, said: "With the promotion and application of clean energy reaching consensus in the world, China also attaches great importance to the application and development of clean energy, ecological civilization has been written into the Constitution, the concept of" blue sky defense "and" green water and green mountains "has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the policies issued have also achieved good results. However, there is still a big gap to achieve the ideal goal, especially the goal of significantly reducing energy consumption. The main reason is that there is no revolutionary technology for the application of solar energy in buildings, and the emergence of Han wall has solved this problem in a breakthrough way. Solar energy can not only be used on roofs, It can also be applied on the wall in a large area to greatly improve the utilization level of clean power. "

Four subversion of triple values, Han Wall breaks traditional cognition

"For architecture, the Han Wall is an epoch-making 'new species'," said Li Hejun.

The "novelty" of "new species" lies in that it subverts our cognition and imagination of glass, walls, buildings and even cities.

In the past, glass building materials with a long history were only a part of architecture. Hanqiang creatively "implanted" advanced thin-film solar energy technology, turning ordinary glass into a "power generator" and overturning people's imagination of traditional glass. Secondly, as a high-tech new green building material, the Han wall can be combined with the wall of the building to become a wall that can generate electricity, which subverts our imagination of the wall. Third, the Han Wall enables each building to not only save energy, but also actively create energy to become a green power station, subverting the imagination of buildings; Finally, the Han Wall has turned thousands of buildings into green, or even net zero energy consumption buildings, which can give birth to a city that is interconnected and self reliant on electric energy, realize a real ecological city, and subvert the imagination of the city.

Detail of Han Wall of "New Species"

The "new" of "new species" also lies in that Hanqiang has three core values: safety, environmental protection and economy.

As a building material, safety is the most important foundation. Up to now, in the process of R&D of Hanqiang products, more than 700 patents and patent applications have been produced, and 3C certification in China and certification by authoritative institutions in 6 countries and regions around the world have been obtained and applied. It is the most reliable product solution generated by Hanergy technicians to overcome hundreds of problems. Hanqiang can resist typhoon of level 12, and can adapt to the test of heat resistance and frost resistance with large temperature difference from minus 40 ℃ to minus 85 ℃. It uses incombustible materials, and its combustion performance has reached level A, and it can work normally in various extremely harsh environments. 10 year warranty, 25 year power output not less than 85%.

Han wall products have a variety of styles to meet various architectural design needs

In terms of environmental protection, the total energy consumption of buildings has reached 45% of the total national energy consumption today, and buildings have become one of the major urban pollution sources. How to return the city to the forest, so that buildings and the environment can coexist harmoniously and achieve sustainable development, Han Wall has become a breakthrough path: let buildings actively produce energy and reduce the load on the environment without emissions, realizing a revolutionary breakthrough in the application of solar energy in buildings. This is Hanergy's precious environmental protection value.

At the same time, the economic value of the Han Wall cannot be ignored. It is estimated that if a 1000 square meter Han wall is installed on the south facade of a building in Beijing, the daily power generation can reach 326 kilowatt hours, and the annual power generation can reach 118900 kilowatt hours. If the 3 billion square meter Han wall system is used for all the curtain walls in the country, the annual power generation can reach 244.8 billion kilowatt hours, which can be converted into an average of 1.1 yuan/kilowatt hour for commercial electricity, and the revenue from self use alone can reach 269.3 billion yuan. In addition to the income from power generation, the clean electricity created by Hanqiang will also help to improve the score of green buildings. Compared with other buildings in the same section, buildings with high-level green certification can earn a 25% - 30% premium on rent.

Create a new landmark of the city, and build a "green" city with Han wall buildings

Echoing the theme of the conference "Power Wall Achieves a New Landmark", landmark buildings have a great guiding role for future buildings. Until today, when it comes to the landmark buildings of the city, everyone is used to using height to define them. In the view of Hanergy, excellent landmark buildings should use efficient renewable clean energy, achieve a high degree of integration and unity with buildings, and obtain strict "green building" certification. It is a green building and ecological building.

Hanergy will work together with the Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) and other institutions to promote the sustainable development of green buildings. Hanergy and the U.S. Green Building Council jointly launched the "LEED Green Building New Energy Committee" and signed a joint declaration. Mr. Du Risheng, USGBC's managing director in North Asia, said that USGBC would fully support the recruitment plan of "New Landmark of Global Green Building" launched by Hanergy. In this plan, Hanergy will give preferential treatment to the selected green building projects and even provide free Hanqiang product support to help create more green ecological building samples and new landmarks.

Du Risheng, USGBC North Asia Managing Director, delivered a speech on the spot

As for the application of Han Wall in ecological buildings, Mr. Liu Qian, a famous architect and chief designer of Hanergy Solar Energy Design and Research Institute, believes that, on the technical level, due to its weak light power generation performance, Han Wall has greatly expanded the new energy-saving space of the future ecological city, which can triple the green energy area of buildings; On the aesthetic level, in addition to the black basic color, the Han wall also has a variety of color shapes, as well as a variety of patterns such as imitation stone, which has strong plasticity in architectural design. "It can be said that the Han Wall can not only be integrated into buildings, but also explore more possibilities for future buildings."

Liu Qian, Chief Designer of Hanergy Solar Energy Design and Research Institute, explains the solution of Hanergy Wall on site

As for the technical breakthrough brought by the Han Wall, Paul Haslam, director of Dubai Affan Construction Engineering Company, a famous architect The evaluation said: "At present, the perception of BIPV is still on the traditional roof power generation board. We often communicate with architects from London, the United States and the Middle East. They have the same view that BIPV has high cost, low power generation, and can not reflect architectural aesthetics when applied to the external walls of buildings. The release of Han Wall proves that today's BIPV technology is completely different from the past. The Han wall has great potential and is a revolutionary design that subverts the traditional curtain wall scheme. "

Paul Haslam, Director of Dubai Affan Construction Engineering Company, a famous architect

If the traditional landmark building "skyscraper" is to separate human beings from nature, Hanergy hopes to create a new green landmark with the goal of letting the building absorb energy from the sun and create energy like flowers and trees in nature, so as to become a part of nature.

"One Han wall and one forest" is the theme of Hanergy founder Li Hejun's speech in this release. From a rational point of view, every 1000 square meters of Hanqiang system (on the south facade) is used, and the environmental benefits generated by the annual power generation are equivalent to 48 tons less coal burning, 125.9 tons less carbon dioxide emissions, 408.3 kg less sulfur dioxide emissions and 355.5 kg less nitrogen oxide emissions in one year, which is equivalent to 6000 green trees planted in the city.

In the perceptual dimension, the "HAN" of "Hanqiang" represents the "Human And Nature" of human and nature. Hanergy's mission is to "change the world with thin-film solar energy", which is not only Hanergy's core concept, but also the embodiment of corporate responsibility. Everything Hanergy has focused on in the past 29 years is to make "human and nature" more harmonious and make the world a better place. Therefore, Hanergy expects that the city is not a cold reinforced concrete, but an ecological space with life.

According to third-party data, the market of thin-film solar building materials is totally a blue ocean market, with huge potential. "We hope to work with people from all walks of life at the same time to make some contributions to our country, society and mankind!" Li Hejun said.

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