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Review Vision | Lu Yuan's review of Wu Yongjie's new book The Silent Shuttle

Time: 2021-10-18 13:51:49 Source: Lu Yuan

Water comes out of hibiscus and natural decoration

——Comment on Wu Yongjie's new book The Silent Shuttle      

The 9th Inner Mongolia University Literature Research Class in 2019 is a writer training class with the theme of realism and reportage. This literature research class is different from the past in that it implements the student's work tutor's comments. The college has assigned me three students. As their tutor, at first, after reading their works, I think Wu Yongjie is weak in writing. But I didn't expect that in just over a year, Wu Yongjie's creative level has grown by leaps and bounds. Two new books, Dream Chaser and Silent Shuttle, have been published in succession, which can be described as fruitful. My friends around me also praised her for her "leap forward progress", making people look up to her.

Indeed, Wu Yongjie has jumped to a new level both in terms of quantity and quality of creation. It can be said that she has changed from an ordinary "literary beginner" to a real "writer" in the sense of literature. Her language has changed from the past style of communication and reporting to the language with strong literary color; Her selection of materials has also expanded from the single power industry to social life in the past, and her works have begun to involve more and more various fields in our real life - from family to society, from family to friendship, from within the industry to outside the industry, from groups to personalities, with a very wide range of contents. Her writing style has also expanded from the past single reportage and documentary literature to prose, poetry, novels, lyrics, etc.

Seen from the title alone, you will feel the strong poetic flavor contained in "The Silent Shuttle". As teacher Wang Fang said in his Preface: "She is weak, gentle, white and tender, with fine eyebrows and eyes, and has the temperament of a classical beauty, but she gave herself a rough and crazy pen name," the style is just like a person. Her articles included in this book are light and profound, smooth and elegant, and rarely have the utilitarian nature of the past theme exposed, Most of them use literary language to express their understanding of life. I sum up the style of this book as an ancient poem: water comes out of hibiscus, and nature carves.

First read the first article: Malan Flowers Blooming on the Grassland. It is about a red literature and art propaganda team in Urad's Back Banner. There is no denying that many people scramble to write Wulan Muqi because they advocate the spirit of Wulan Muqi. As a result, there are many crude works, most of which are empty sermons. But this "Malan flower" is different. It is flesh and blood, colorful, and blooming on the Hetao land. Through the author's vivid portrayal of each character, groups of characters with distinctive personalities suddenly appear on the paper - Butugge, a versatile young actor, Tao Gus, captain Baoyin, Jiang Yuxiu, Bao Xiangfei, his Dallas, Si Qing, Tabinig

The main events are: the master announced the growth history of Tugeqi; In the cold winter night, send plays to the frontier defense company; Little Taugus is blind; Drive away the desert road in the summer night; Climbing mountains with musical instruments on their backs; Floods collapse houses; Blood and water love a family; The old captain is ill and in danger... It is like the main melody of the symphony is accompanied by the presentation of the sub theme part. In the third movement, beautiful love appears - Solana and Qinger. Love and career blend together, pushing the emotion to a climax... The final climax is "walking into the international dance stage", with fruitful results, which are displayed one by one, like lyricism, summary, chanting, singing, Then a poem like text is used as the conclusion: "The mellow mare's milk wine tail is flowing in the wind, and the Malan flower is spreading its thick branches and leaves, sending the greetings of spring to friends far away, ah! Wait for you, just for the promise of the Malan flower."

There is still much to be desired.

Read the second chapter again: Black Eyes. Although the background is still the epidemic situation in Wuhan, the author does not write about the heroes in the fight against the epidemic. Instead, she uses her daughter Yihan's voice, her eyes, and her letters to show her parents' fight against the epidemic at the forefront. I remember learning Chinese classical literature in my early years and learning an ancient Yuefu poem, "When a traveler sees Luofu, he strokes his mustache under his shoulder. When a teenager sees Luofu, he takes off his hat and holds his head. The tiller forgets his plow, and the hoer forgets his hoe. When he returns, he complains, but sits and watches Luofu." It is a successful use of profile description, which does not directly describe the beauty of Luofu girl, but through other people's eyes and looks, Reflect her beauty like a mirror, which is more powerful than positive description. The image of father and mother reflected in the daughter's eyes that we see in this article is more vivid and moving than the positive display. I especially like the last two lyric words: "At this moment, loneliness is sublimated in the dark night. The dark night is so deep. Oh, this night will not be too long. After the dark, it will be a beautiful tomorrow."

The third chapter still takes the epidemic situation as the background, but uses the letter style to portray the female doctor Sister Ai Rong - ordinary and simple, but also shows her extraordinary and heroic behavior in the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan, which is similar to the previous one.

The Spring of Its Style is a lyric prose style that describes an actor's emotional experience. The story originates from real people and things, and it is also an acquaintance, so the whole article is particularly smooth, with a sense of unity. The relationship between Qiqige and his ex husband was really messy and well written. While the readers sighed and sighed, they couldn't help feeling that the destiny was complicated and changeable, but that emotion was so sincere and moving.

It is also the author's ingenuity to dig out the unusual meaning from the ordinary life. For example, one and two of these two "The Resumption of Shuttle's Work" describe very ordinary life and work trivia, but show a piece of truth in plain narration.

One, the first day after the epidemic, the author's mood on the way to work by bike, his urgency, joy, and relief, expressed vividly: "I haven't heard the sound of the car whistle for a long time, and I haven't seen the rush of traffic for a long time..." Who knew that there was no one in the company, After a phone call, I realized that I had made a mistake. Today is Sunday! Seeing this, we not only smiled with understanding - the author's great burden was really shaken brilliantly!

In the second chapter, the lamentation of several pots of plants in the office about to die in the first chapter continues. The first chapter said: "Dry leaves and cracked soil, I didn't expect that these flowers and plants didn't escape the disaster brought by the epidemic." No. 2 Middle School continued to explain these flowers and plants: "She didn't have the heart to hear those calls from the depths of life, gently shook the branches and leaves that had fallen off the soil, and life was so fragile that she inadvertently left the world..." Isn't this exquisite description just another way to show the cruelty of the virus? This epidemic has not only destroyed humans, but also animals and plants.

"Although she is not good at raising flowers, after three years of exploration, she finally understood these flowery temper. In her spare time, she always likes to play with their branches and leaves. She is very grateful for those days with flowers and plants. Today, seeing her friends fall day after day, how could she bear to ignore them?"

I especially like the concise and beautiful language in these two articles, which sometimes sparks thoughts:

"These days, what she wants to see most is relatives, and what she fears most is strangers. The distance between people seems to become far away overnight."

"Oh, it turns out that those familiar strangers who walk silently have distanced themselves from each other because of a thin mask..."

"Time passes in a pot of tea. The midday sun shines in the house. The green apples curl up and lock the soil tightly, slowly wake up in the sun..."

Rural Courtyard in Chunnuan is about poverty alleviation through electricity industry. It focuses on describing how Zhao Si and his family embarked on the road of prosperity. The author of this article adopts a completely novel writing style and tells the reader a moving story: Zhao Si, although very diligent, has no choice but to suffer many disasters, especially without electricity. Getting rid of poverty and becoming rich is just a beautiful bubble. Although his son Dashun was admitted to college, he was unable to pay the tuition fees. His ruthless fate forced the family into a dead corner of life: "Zhao Si looked at the dark house and sighed deeply, 'Alas, the days without electricity have killed people. He has lived in darkness for most of his life. The crops have not been harvested, and life is tight. ’Zhao Si's nose ran down to his beard. He looked at the dark wall and looked forward to the day when the electric wire could be pulled to the door of his home. Like other people's homes, they would use the machine and electric wells and no longer have to worry about watering the farmland with Yellow River water... "

What happened later?

Later, "Good cadres came to the rural power station, and the wires were pulled to the door of the house, which brought happiness to the human world." "The river of Baihuahua flowed into their own fields..."

Later, "a base pole stood neatly under the white clouds and blue sky, and shining silver lines danced in the air against the sun. Three red brick houses, neat walls, and clean courtyards. Nobody would have thought that this was the home of Zhao Si, a poor family."

"With electricity, life has changed. Life is like a light. Once upon a time, life was unbearable. Since the use of the electric well, Zhao Si's family has been like celebrating the New Year every day..."

The story came to a perfect end. There is no dry preaching, no false slogans, only a story about the changes of a family and the completion of a mission to get rid of poverty and become rich.

The Guardian of Light is obviously an industry reportage. However, although the author is also creating "industry heroes", those heroes are actually ordinary workers and grassroots cadres, who dig their deep feelings of joy, anger, sorrow and joy in the disaster to find their valuable qualities. This article is written with great momentum, and it has rendered thunderstorms, storms and flood peaks with words. Under this soul stirring background, one by one vivid characters appeared - Li Xiaohong, Liu Hao, Yang Guofeng, Guo Jianjun, Liu Zuguang... Everyone has a tear jerking story. Everyone has his own hardships and hardships in life. However, it is just such a group of ordinary people who did not shrink in the face of disaster and worked hard to rescue the pole and cable that were on the verge of collapse and ensure the smooth flow of the circuit. They are both rescuers and victims. In order to rescue the eight "warriors", the emergency response mechanism was moved and acted quickly. The rescue plan was quickly formed, with a rescue team consisting of wheeled armored combat vehicles, high protection special vehicles, off-road support vehicles and 18 members. "The tank is coming, the assault boat is coming, the sand dredger is coming, and the firefighters are coming..." Eight power workers were finally rescued.

From this chapter, it can be seen that the author does not forget her original intention, and is still concerned about the power industry. She is still familiar with the life of the power industry as a carrier, and is familiar with the road and moving towards a deeper place. It can be said that this article is a sign that the author has stepped onto a new stage. The traces carved in the article have completely disappeared, and the literariness has been greatly enhanced.

I remember reading the first draft of her article, and I pointed out that her writing style was still newsletters, lacking literary color. I thought that even if she listened to my opinion, she could not change the whole article. However, she almost made subversive changes. She focused on literary color in the article, and used a lot of techniques such as description, description, rendering, and portrayal. Both description and description are natural and smooth, and some places have reached the level of flowing clouds. Her narration is sometimes bold and straightforward, thunderous and lightning, sometimes delicate and silky, which can depict a drop of water vividly, such as:

"Suddenly a drop of water fell on the notebook, he looked up at the ceiling in a daze, and water stains like earthworms crept in quietly from the skylight. They danced slowly, leaving tracks on the roof

"In an instant, the earthworms seemed to have drunk enough water, grew up slowly, and gradually became a map. The pieces of white paint mixed with water drops, fell down along a thin gap, and fell on the forehead......"

Without careful observation of life, we would not have written such vivid and wonderful details. When reading her previous works, I repeatedly stressed the importance of details for a literary work. The author has clearly understood, and it can be seen from this article that her use of details has almost reached the level of perfection.

In this article, the excavation of ideological connotation has also changed from a single eulogy to a deeper thinking. As discussed in the article:

"Human beings are great, great human beings have created a great world... Life, as an individual in nature, is fragile, but also tenacious. As long as we have faith, as long as we have love in our hearts, we will certainly blossom the miracle of life

"Engels said that there is no great historical disaster. It is not compensated by the progress of history. The progress of history is often marked by the inheritance of spirit and the cohesion of strength."

Looking at every article in the book, of course, there are still some unsatisfactory points. For example, some articles can still see the traces of "writing under orders", some places are still relatively immature, not sophisticated enough, and some words and sentences are not rigorous enough, which needs careful consideration. However, language maturity can not be achieved in one book and several articles. It may take a longer time to hone. We believe that in the future, the author will use the language of literature more skillfully, and form her own unique style.

When it comes to style, in fact, each writer's creative style is affected by his own personality, gender, experience, life experience, physique, blood type and other factors, so there are thousands of different literary works with different styles. Wu Yongjie's fresh and elegant style, I think, is directly related to her personal character of being soft outside but firm inside. I hope she can maintain this style and form her own unique style. Only then will she become a mature writer. Expectations and expectations.

[Saturday, September 18, 2021, in Beijing]

Lu Yuan: Master of Arts, member of China Writers Association. He used to be the novel editor of Prairie Literature Monthly, vice chairman of Inner Mongolia Television Artists Association, director and professional writer of Inner Mongolia Writers Association, deputy and presidium member of the seventh Inner Mongolia National People's Congress, and candidate of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. He was also a master's supervisor of Communication University of China.

He has won: Outstanding Talent Award of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Advanced Worker of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and his representative works include: novel "Red Wolf Poison", novella "Shenhan", "Paradise", short story "Green Salt Pile", short story "In the Campground of Horse Dealers", "Sacrifice to Fire", etc; Screenwriters' works include "Ordos Storm", "Smoke in Beijing", "Quiet Birch Forest", "Beautiful Grassland Me and Home", "Wind and Cloud in Shanghai", "Quick Mouth Li Cuilian", "Red Ink Workshop", and "Chef in Office".

Wu Yongjie: pen name: Suo Suo, member of Inner Mongolia Writers Association, member of China Electric Power Writers Association, student of the 34th minority literature creation class of Lu Xun Literature College, student of the 9th literature research class of Inner Mongolia University, prose "Cocoon Breaking and Butterfly Changing in Hetao Village", "Yan Qing", "Shuo Shuo This Year", "Beautiful as Flowers Blooming", "Forty Years of Glory", "Military Memorable" His works were published in national and autonomous region literature journals such as Backbone, Contemporary Electric Power Culture, published his personal prose collection Dream Chaser, Silent Shuttle, composed songs The Most Beautiful White Doctor, Bright Rebels, The First Secretary of the Village, etc.

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