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The female owner of Xi'an Benz said: the 4S store has not fulfilled the three promises of compensation

Time: 2019-04-17 08:59:18 Source: Author:

The 4S store was hit! The female owner of Xi'an Benz said: three promised compensations have not been fulfilled and no official reply has been received

West China News (reporter Ling Ni) On the evening of April 12, the female owner of the Mercedes Benz oil spill accident appeared and reviewed the dispute with Xi'an Star Auto Co., Ltd. since the media collected the car.

The female owner denied reaching an agreement with Xi'an Star, saying: "I haven't received any official reply from Mercedes Benz or 4S store so far, so I don't think this matter has been resolved."

So far, the statement that Xi'an Star staff "will definitely reach an agreement with customers in terms of satisfaction and product quality" has been completely overturned.

[Female car owners tell the story]

According to the interview, on March 22, the female car owner went to the Xi'an Star to pay for the car. The staff said that they could not collect the car for the time being, but would do a new car inspection (PDI).

The female owner communicated with Xi'an Star Sales on WeChat about the dashboard prompts, and the person concerned provided the picture.

On March 27, the female owner went to the 4S store again to pick up the car and confirm its condition. The sales staff didn't give a positive answer but suggested that the female owner fill up the new car with fuel. After driving, the female owner found that the dashboard indicated "Fill 1L engine oil next time".

The salesperson replied that it was normal. Maybe the oil evaporated during the transportation of the imported car, and asked the female car owner to drive the car to the 4S store the next day.

On the morning of March 28, the female owner drove to the store and was told to add oil. At 12 o'clock at noon, the staff said that the car would need to be upgraded and Germany would cooperate. They suggested the female car owner go back and wait. They said they would send the car back to the female car owner's home in the evening.

The female owner recalled that at this time, the staff of Xi'an Star of Fortune knew that the Mercedes Benz engine was worn, and it was a problem visible to the naked eye. The excuse of upgrading the system is to appease me.

At 3:4 p.m. on March 28, the staff of Xi'an Lizhixing called the female car owner to ask for an interview, saying that the car engine was leaking oil. They hoped to get permission from the female car owner to remove the engine, but the female car owner refused.

According to the female car owner, "On March 28, I asked for a refund or a car change, and they agreed, saying that the processing process would be quite long, so I had to wait three days. At that time, the sales person said that he was willing to give me some spiritual compensation."

On April 1, the female owner called Xi'an Lizhixing to inquire about the progress of the refund. The other party said that the refund was troublesome, asked if they could change the car, and would make some compensation on the basis of the previous one. The female owner agreed.

The staff of Xi'an Lizhixing said that it could be done in three days.

On April 4, the after-sales service of Xi'an Star called the female car owner and said, "If this car has been replaced with an engine, we will not be able to sell it." The after-sales service suggested that the female car owner should be replaced with an engine, but there would be some compensation. They would pick up the car on April 8.

On April 8, the female owner called Xi'an Star of Interest, and the other party asked to continue waiting, but they didn't come out yet, and said that according to the national "San Bao" policy, this car is to change the engine.

In this process, the female car owner borrowed money to buy a car, but the 4S store also charged her a financial service fee of 12575 yuan. At that time, she questioned why this charge could not be swiped or invoiced, but could only be transferred through WeChat. "At that time, I considered using other loan channels. They strongly recommended their Mercedes Benz Finance, but they didn't invoice me for this fee, and the money was transferred to one of their private accounts in the form of WeChat."

[According to the information]

1、 On the morning of March 28, the staff of Xi'an Lizhixing had known that there was a problem with the Mercedes Benz engine, and they found an excuse to upgrade the system.

2、 On March 28, Xi'an Star of Benefits mentioned for the first time that it would compensate female car owners.

3、 On April 1, Xi'an Lizhixing changed its statement from returning to changing, and claimed compensation for the second time.

4、 On April 4, Xi'an Lizhixing changed its statement again, only wanted to change the engine, and claimed compensation for the third time.

5、 Mercedes Benz Finance charged a financial service fee of 12575 yuan from the female car owner. The fee cannot be swiped or invoiced, and can only be transferred to a private account via WeChat.

[Female owner: no official commitment has been received so far]

According to the female owner, from sales to after-sales, after-sales to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer to the 4S store, she fell into such a logical circle when defending her rights. "Up to now, Mercedes Benz officials, including Li Xingxing, a national chain of large enterprises, have not given me any official commitment. The 4S store said that the final solution now is still waiting for the manufacturer's reply."

On the morning of April 12, Xi'an Lizhixing Automobile Co., Ltd. replied to the reporter of that "an agreement has been reached with the woman, but the agreement reached between the two parties could not be disclosed to the public, in order to protect the privacy of customers", which has been hit hard.

The female owner said, "I need to go back to the event itself and see some problems behind it through this phenomenon. How many people have suffered losses in buying cars? Is it required to publicize the shop process? The car is now a common tool. Is our car sales industry mature? What are its rules? What money have we paid and what is the use of this money? "

"If I don't speak, will people who have the same experience with me also not speak? Everyone keeps silent. Isn't there such a thing next time? This thing will not change, so why should we study?"

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