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What are the differences between the 2019 China Singapore Financial Summit?

Time: 2019-11-04 10:51:49 Source: Author:

The high-profile 2019 China Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project Financial Summit (hereinafter referred to as the "Summit") will be held in Chongqing Yuelai International Convention Center and Jiangbeizui on November 4-5. Compared with the first summit held in 2018, what's different about this summit? Yuan Wei, Deputy Director of Chongqing Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said recently that the 2019 China Singapore Financial Summit has made new breakthroughs in many aspects with higher standards, more emphasis on internationalization, more important guests attending the meeting and wider coverage.

Higher specification

It is reported that this summit is co sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the People's Bank of China, the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Singapore Monetary Authority and other ministries, as well as the Chongqing Municipal People's Government.

The summit was agreed by the Chinese and New Zealand government departments as one of the five landmark projects of the China Singapore connectivity project, and the municipal government has identified it as one of the six major exhibition projects in Chongqing.

Leaders of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the People's Bank of China, the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Singapore Financial Regulatory Authority and other ministries and commissions will attend the event and make keynote speeches around increasing policy support, financial regulatory cooperation, etc.

Wider coverage

This summit invited relevant national ministries and commissions of China and New Zealand, relevant leaders of Chongqing, western provinces and regions, heads of international financial organizations, heads of central banks of ASEAN countries, heads of world-renowned investment institutions, senior experts and scholars, etc.

The participating enterprises include large state-owned banks, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Silk Road Fund, Singapore Exchange, New Capital Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Ant Financial Services, Tencent Finance, Jingdong Finance, etc. Focusing on the theme of "financial connectivity · service of the 'Belt and Road' - financial openness and innovation promoting new land and sea channels", we will focus on cross-border investment and financing, financial technology, inclusive finance, green finance, supply chain finance, logistics finance, asset securitization and other hot topics.

During the summit, six sub forums will be held, including "cross-border investment and financing to help the Belt and Road", "logistics finance to enable new land and sea channels", "financial technology to promote inclusive financial development", "green finance to boost green development", "supply chain financial innovation and development", and "asset securitization to promote the development of the" Belt and Road "basic industries", The Chinese and foreign guests attending the forum will make wonderful speeches around the theme of the forum. Since then, activities such as centralized signing of key projects, Sino Singapore financial achievements exhibition, financial support for the construction of new land and sea channels will also be held as scheduled.

Deeper internationalization

The first China Singapore Financial Summit held in 2018 attracted leaders of the central banks and financial institutions of ASEAN countries, as well as leaders of provincial and regional governments in western China, and more than 100 important guests from the financial, business and academic circles at home and abroad participated. On this basis, the Summit will invite more than 200 important guests from relevant national ministries and commissions of China and Singapore, international financial organizations, ASEAN countries and global well-known investment institutions, as well as senior experts and scholars.

In addition, China Singapore financial institutions and enterprises with cross-border financing intentions in the provinces (regions) and cities of the new land and sea corridor will conduct docking talks, carry out a round table dialogue between China Singapore entrepreneurs and financiers, and promote industrial and financial cooperation between Chongqing and western provinces and Singapore and ASEAN countries. At the financial cooperation achievements exhibition, the new products, new applications and new achievements of China Singapore financial cooperation will also be displayed in a multi-dimensional and three-dimensional manner, trying to present the ecological chain of China Singapore financial cooperation.

The Goddess should be safe and shocked the world. Chongqing is benchmarking the top international financial summit with international, professional and brand standards to build a "financial feast" of the China Singapore Financial Summit and build an inland international financial center based in the west and facing ASEAN.

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