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The first unit of Uganda's largest hydropower station contracted by POWERCHINA is connected to the grid for power generation

Time: 2023-03-24 12:16:52 Source: Author:

On March 22, with the grid connection order issued by Uganda National Grid Dispatching Center, the first unit of Uganda Karuma Hydropower Station contracted by POWERCHINA was successfully connected to Uganda National Grid. The unit has excellent performance during operation, and all technical indicators meet the design requirements, realizing the goal of "completing installation, starting and commissioning in one time".

As the largest hydropower station in Uganda, the first unit of Karuma Hydropower Station directly increased the total power generation in Uganda from 1278 MW to 1378 MW after successful power generation; After all six units are put into operation, the total power generation will increase by 600 MW, making the total power generation in Uganda increase to 1878 MW, an increase of nearly 50% on the original basis.

The project is located in Karuma Town, Kayandongo Region, north central Uganda, 270 km away from Kampala, the capital of Uganda, with a total investment of 1.688 billion US dollars. The project is composed of Karuma Hydropower Station and supporting transmission line project, with a unit capacity of 100 MW and a total installed capacity of 600 MW. The huge underground tunnel project makes Karuma the 14th largest underground hydropower station in the world. The power transmission and transformation line project of the project is composed of "four stations and three lines", with a total length of 379 km. The 400 kV power transmission and transformation line has set a new record for power transmission in Uganda.

Karuma Hydropower Station is a model project of the "Belt and Road" cooperation between China and Ukraine. When it is fully put into operation, it will become the largest power "granary" in the region. At that time, it will save about 1.31 million tons of raw coal every year, reduce 3.48 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, which is equivalent to planting 1.5 million trees. At the same time, the hydropower station will reduce the electricity price in Uganda by 17.5%, provide stable power support for Uganda and surrounding countries, and provide continuous "green energy" for economic and social development.

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