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A man was caught on the spot during the fishing ban

Time: 2018-09-29 10:30:23 Source: Author:

In order to seek illegal interests, the man took the risk and made his own electric boat to illegally catch aquatic products in the forbidden fishing area several times during the closed fishing period. On September 25, 2017, the court sentenced the defendant Tian Mou to five months' detention, six months' probation and a fine of 4000 yuan for the crime of illegal fishing of aquatic products after the public prosecution by the Procuratorate of Taoyuan County, Hunan Province.

 illegal fishing

In September 2016, Tian built his own boat and was equipped with batteries, voltage boosters and other prohibited electric fish for electric fish. From September 2016 to April 2017, Mr. Tian repeatedly used the electric boat to catch fish in Taoyuan section of Yuanshui River basin, and the county's fishery law enforcement officers repeatedly taught him, but Mr. Tian refused to change his mind. At about 11:00 on April 20, 2017, when Tian used the electric boat to fish in the lower reaches of the gate of the hydropower station in Zhangjiang Town, Taoyuan County, the Yuan River basin, during the fishing ban period in the Yuan River, he was caught on the spot by the county's fishery law enforcement officers and public security police, and found 1 tool ship, 1 battery, 1 pressure booster, 3 fishing poles and 10 captured grass carp and other aquatic products on the scene. It was determined that the main engines, generators, booster motors and electrodes of the seized vessels were prohibited fishing tools.

In addition, according to the Notice on Adjusting the City's Spring Fishing Prohibition Scope issued by Changde Animal Husbandry, Veterinary and Fisheries Bureau, the section of Yuanshui River Basin from Taohuayuan to Muping Lake in Hanshou County is a fishing prohibition, and the fishing ban lasts from March 1 to June 30.

The court considered that the defendant Tian violated the laws and regulations on the protection of aquatic products resources, and used prohibited tools and methods to catch aquatic products during the closed season and the closed fishing area. The circumstances were serious, and his behavior constituted the crime of illegal fishing for aquatic products. In view of the fact that he confessed and repented after arriving at the case, which was a confession, he was given a lighter punishment, so the above judgment was made according to law.

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