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Zhashan to Lvshan Mining Area has a new look

Time: 2018-07-17 10:43:41 Source: Author:

  Here, there used to be black slag mountains standing side by side. In Montenegro, no matter standing at a distance or standing near looking up, it will not produce half of the aesthetic feeling. One layer higher, one layer lower, one layer deeper, and one layer shallower, except for the black coal ash, the black coal ash is still black. If the wind blows, the black coal ash will float all over the sky, choking people out of breath, and people standing in the wind will become "black" instantly. Even if there is no wind, people are afraid to avoid the black eyeful. Even birds do not want to fly past, just afraid of polluting their beautiful feathers.
This is the Luotuoshan mining area before governance.
Now, when we look at the Luotuoshan mining area, some black slag mountains have been shaped, and engineering vehicles are busy with transformation and repair. However, there is no black spot on the other slag mountain after transformation, but it extends upward in a ladder shape. The solidified slope protection at the lowest layer is in a rhomboid grid shape. Looking up, green grass has grown on each layer.
Recently, when the reporter came to the Luotuoshan Mining Area, a key demonstration area for comprehensive mine management in Wuhai City, he saw the construction scene of the mining area gradually changing from black to green, and heard the good news that the Zhashan will become a big garden and beautiful park in the past.
Liu Bin, a staff member of Guangna Group, told the reporter that Inner Mongolia Guangna Group has eight coal enterprises in the Luotuoshan mining area. In order to make the slag mountain green, the Group took the initiative to assume the responsibility and obligation of comprehensive environmental management in the mining area, and in accordance with the requirements of dust free operation in the whole process of management, it adopted a combination of solidification and greening.
"The slag mountain in front of us has become a scenic spot after earth covering, slope reduction, shaping, solidification and greening. Every slag mountain here will be treated according to this standard, but this is not complete, but the first step of our comprehensive environmental management. According to our group's plan, within three years, Zhashan within the visible range will be shaped according to the geological treatment plan, and the steps will be hardened, greened and beautified step by step, finally forming a green, safe and stable landscape barrier with a length of about 12 kilometers. Second, we plan to make every effort to make up the Zhashan after treatment. Within 10 years, we will not only complete the treatment of Zhashan, but also connect them to form a usable land of about 19 square kilometers on the top of Zhashan. At that time, a sports, leisure, cultural and sightseeing geo ecological park integrating large-scale coal geological park, mountain bike racing ground and rock climbing playground will be built, and photovoltaic projects and Yellow River silt organic farmland projects are planned to be built. " Liu Bin pointed to Zhashan, which had been transformed in front of him.
While talking to Liu Bin, a sprinkler passed by the road, and the dust on the road before it had time was pressed down again.
"In order to avoid the secondary dust, our sprinkler continuously sprays back and forth on the road of the mining area. Not only that, we have also achieved dust-free operation in every production." As he said, Liu Bin invited reporters to visit an open mining site of their coal mine.
Driving up the high hillside, I came to a platform. Looking down, the excavator and transport vehicle were busy "peeling the mountain skin", and there was also a water jet that was inseparable from the excavator. When each shovel of the excavator is transported to the body of the transport vehicle, the sprinkler will spray a high water column in time. In the open pit mining, when a sprinkler passes through the winding road, it will also leave wet water behind.
The management of Luotuoshan mining area is only a part of the comprehensive environmental improvement of the mining area in Hainan District, Wuhai City. In recent years, Hainan District has thoroughly implemented the five development concepts, advocated green development, and, in accordance with the principles of overall arrangement, key breakthrough, overall promotion, step-by-step implementation, comprehensive treatment, and treatment of both symptoms and root causes, made great efforts to continue to take the comprehensive improvement of the mining area environment as the top priority of air pollution prevention, and further strengthened daily supervision and management, Strictly inspect the implementation of various pollution prevention facilities and engineering measures of the enterprise, and strictly investigate and deal with all kinds of violations of laws and regulations; Continue to implement the hardening of roads in the mining area, strictly implement the measures of cleaning and watering to reduce dust, effectively eliminate the dust pollution of roads in the mining area, and further refine the governance tasks and measures. It is required that the comprehensive improvement of the dump and mine geological environment should be completed by the end of December 2018; It is required that all roads in the open pit coal mine dust control mining area must be flat and free of topsoil, and ensure that they are wet and free of dust; The blasting in the stope must be sprayed with water to ensure that dust is reduced during mining and loading; It is strictly prohibited to dump the soil from a high place or discharge it from a very high place during dumping; When transporting coal products, the roads must be kept wet and free from dust; All coal transport vehicles must be tightly covered with tarpaulin and shall not be loaded beyond the carriage.
For the fire area, Hainan District finds and disposes of one new fire point by taking measures such as earth covering and rolling, grouting and blocking, stripping and digging, so as to realize the dynamic clearing of the fire area, and requires enterprises to stack the stripped high-temperature hot body separately. It is strictly prohibited to directly discharge it to the permanent slag disposal site or internal slag disposal site, and resolutely eliminate the generation of smoke. At the same time, Hainan District has put forward clear governance standards and measures for the disposal of coal gangue in the enterprise slag dump, the management of material storage yard, and the cleaning of illegal buildings and structures, so as to press down the main responsibility of enterprises and resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of "mining instead of governance" and "only mining without governance".
Let Zhashan change from black to green, avoid the secondary dust on the road, clean up the "small and scattered pollution" enterprises in the mining area, and the water spray truck accompanies the mining... Now, Hainan, with a growing green background, is making progress on the road to building a green mining area with a clanging step.


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