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8. Operation and management services for provincial pilot governments to purchase public rental housing

Time: 08:57:19, October 29, 2018 Source: Author:

With the completion and delivery of a large number of public rental housing, problems such as lack of professionals, low service level, and non-standard management are increasingly prominent, which are difficult to meet the needs of the masses

Experts suggest that the purchase content should be further standardized, and the purchase scope should be reasonably defined according to the three characteristics of government function, service and market-oriented operation

Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice determining to carry out the pilot work of government purchase of public rental housing operation and management services in 8 provinces (regions) of Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong, Hubei, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and Shaanxi, establish and improve the operation and management mechanism of public rental housing in the pilot areas, and improve the management system and process of government purchase of public rental housing operation and management services, A batch of replicable and promotable pilot results will be formed to provide support for improving the operation and management capability of public rental housing.

According to the person in charge of the Hubei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, most of the public rental housing management work in various regions is currently undertaken by the local housing security department. With the completion and delivery of a large number of public rental housing, problems such as lack of professionals, low service level, and non-standard management are increasingly prominent, and it is difficult to meet the needs of the masses. The government purchase of public rental housing operation management service is an effective means to solve some management problems of current public rental housing.

The reality is that in the follow-up management of public rental housing, it is necessary to timely return the objects that do not meet the security conditions and collect the rent on time. However, the phenomenon that residents refuse to leave or pay the rent for various reasons is widespread, and the management department often has to pay a lot of manpower and time to deal with it, which hinders the normal operation of public rental housing.

In fact, there are many difficulties in public rental housing management. The promotion of government purchase services and the attraction of professional enterprises and institutions to participate in the operation and management of public rental housing can effectively improve the level of professional and standardized operation, make the operation of public rental housing more smooth, and further improve the management mechanism.

"At present, the period of large-scale construction of public rental housing in China has basically ended, and the focus of housing security has changed from construction oriented to management oriented." Liu Xia, deputy director of the Housing Security Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, said that it is particularly important and urgent to do a good job of housing security through professional and standardized management. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the pilot operation and management service of government purchase of public rental housing. All localities must attach great importance to it and orderly promote the pilot work.

According to the Pilot Program for the Implementation of the Operation Management Service of Government Purchase of Public Rental Housing, the main content of government purchase is admission and exit management, including organizing the selection of housing, signing, renewing and changing the lease contract, handling the check-in procedures, collecting the basic information of new residents, establishing household files, and handling the check-out procedures; It shall not include the admission and cancellation of security qualification; Rent collection and housing use management matters, mainly including rent collection and payment, urging, daily use inspection, timely detection of illegal acts and collection of evidence to report; Maintenance matters, mainly including the maintenance management of common parts and common facilities and equipment of public rental housing projects; Comprehensive management matters, mainly including construction and maintenance of housing security information system, information collection and entry; Construction and maintenance of intelligent management system and monitoring platform; Social survey, performance evaluation and mass satisfaction evaluation.

Industry experts said that carrying out the pilot operation and management service of government purchase of public rental housing is conducive to creating a more equitable management model of public rental housing, and those who occupy the nest will be accelerated to return.

At the same time, the Plan clearly states that the pilot areas should reasonably determine the purchase content in combination with the local economic and social development level, financial affordability and the current situation of public rental housing operation and management, and include the public rental housing operation and management services suitable for government purchase services into the guidance catalog of government purchase services, and adjust them in a timely manner according to the actual situation.

So, what kind of institutions can undertake the services purchased by the government? According to the Plan, the main bodies to undertake government purchase services are social organizations registered in the civil affairs department according to law and social organizations exempted from registration but not guaranteed by financial allocation approved by the State Council; Enterprises registered and established in the industrial and commercial administration or industry authorities according to law and other units engaged in business activities, as well as accounting firms, tax agent firms and other social intermediaries; Public institutions classified as public welfare or engaged in production and business activities in accordance with the policy of the reform of public institutions; Individual businesses or natural persons who have the conditions and ability to provide services.

Liu Xia stressed that it is necessary to further standardize the purchase content, reasonably define the purchase scope according to the three characteristics of government function, service and market-oriented operation, scientifically determine the subject to accept, ensure that the management team has the corresponding professional quality, management work meets the requirements of professionalism and standardization, define standardized service standards, and ensure that management services can be quantified, Establish a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation mechanism to provide a strong basis for fund settlement, contract renewal management of the undertaking entity, and budget determination for the next year.

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