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The interest rate of the first house loan has not been significantly loosened in Beijing

Time: 08:56:16, October 29, 2018 Source: Author:

Recently, the news that the housing loan interest rate of some banks in some regions has been lowered was regarded as a signal of loose loan restrictions, and real estate stocks rose sharply across the board. For a while, the voice of shouting "loose regulation of the property market" spread on the Internet. The reporter's investigation found that there is no obvious sign of loosening of the housing loan policy in Beijing at present, and most banks generally implement the first housing loan interest rate of 10%, which is the same as before. According to industry analysis, the loosening of mortgage interest rate does not mean that the property market regulation policy will change.

With the pace of property market regulation, the interest rate of housing loans has been rising since last year. According to the housing loan analysis data of Rong360, the average interest rate of the national housing loan rose slightly to 5.70% in September, equivalent to the benchmark interest rate of 116.3%, which has risen for 21 consecutive months.

Since October, the trend of housing loan tightening is slowly evolving towards a moderate direction. The rising trend of bank mortgage loan interest rates has begun to ease, and the housing loan interest rates in many places have slightly decreased. For example, Everbright Bank and Minsheng Bank implemented the first set in Guangzhou with a 25% increase, which was 5 percentage points lower than before.

Hangzhou's housing loan interest rate has also eased. Since October, ICBC and some outlets of Bank of China have started to implement the policy of floating the interest rate of the first house by 10% and the second house by 15% in Hangzhou. Previously, the four major banks generally implemented the policy of floating the interest rate of the first house by 15% and the second house by 20%.

Beijing has always been the wind vane of the national urban real estate regulation policy. If the housing loan policy becomes loose, it will be an important signal for the national housing loan policy.

The reporter recently visited nearly ten bank branches (branches) in Beijing. Among them, there are four major banks in Jianguo, China Merchants Bank and other joint-stock banks that implement the first housing loan interest rate policy of 10% upward, which has not been adjusted recently; Only Minsheng Bank lowered the loan interest rate of the first house to 10%, and staff of Ping An Bank said that there is no housing loan business at present.

"The housing loan interest rate has been adjusted for more than a month from 15% to 10%." The head of the personal loan department of a branch of Minsheng Bank said that users need to become senior customers to enjoy the 10% floating interest rate, and the bank will help users to become senior customers through free ways such as handling credit cards.

In terms of lending speed, compared with the previous lending cycle, which often started in a few months, the lending speed of major banks has accelerated to varying degrees. According to the above staff of China Minsheng Bank, the lending speed is faster than before. If the information is complete and approved, the loan can be released in two or three days at the earliest, and it will take more than a month to queue up before. The staff of a branch of China Construction Bank said that "loans can be made in 5 to 10 working days", while the head of the personal loan center of a branch of Agricultural Bank of China said that "due to the recent low housing turnover, the speed of loans is relatively stable, and if the procedures are completed, loans can be made in about a week."

Why did the interest rate of housing loan decrease? The head of the personal loan business department of a joint-stock bank revealed that his branch's housing loan line had recently turned from tight to abundant, and the pressure on capital costs had eased, so the floating interest rate had been reduced. "Before the end of the year, in order to compete for customers, it is not surprising that the bank's housing loan interest rate peaked and fell back."

Huang Zhilong, director of the Macroeconomic Research Center of Suning Financial Research Institute, analyzed: "In recent months, the central bank has made fine-tuning monetary policies such as reducing the reserve ratio, and the overall liquidity of the market has eased the cost of capital of banks, which is a normal phenomenon."

Under the pressure of economic downturn, will the regulation of the property market be relaxed? Last week, the news that "the State Council has asked to lift purchase restrictions within the year" spread in the circle of friends, but it was soon proved to be a rumor; The Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development also responded quickly to the rumor that Guangzhou would relax the price limit, and made it clear that under the premise of not relaxing the regulation and maintaining the stability of housing prices, it would optimize the guidance mechanism for new house pre-sale and online auction prices, and prohibit real estate enterprises from splitting price reporting.

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The growth rate of personal housing loans declined

The central bank recently released data that at the end of the third quarter of 2018, the balance of personal housing loans was 24.88 trillion yuan, up 17.9% year on year, 0.7 percentage points lower than that at the end of the previous quarter, and the growth rate of personal housing loans was at a low level in the past five years.

Specifically, in Beijing, the growth rate of housing loans is also slowing down: the latest statistics from the Beijing Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China show that the proportion of individual housing loans in all loans has steadily declined. At the end of September, the proportion of individual housing loans in all RMB loans was 14.8%, down 1.6 percent from the same period last year.

In the opinion of Zhang Dawei, the chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, the sales volume in Beijing this year is relatively low due to the strict implementation of restrictive policies, and the lag of credit data, the overall growth rate of real estate loans in Beijing is lower than that in the whole country.

As for the future trend of housing loan interest rates in Beijing and the whole country, most insiders said that the possibility of a sharp reduction in housing loan interest rates was extremely small.

The personal loan business staff of a branch of China Merchants Bank believed that the floating interest rate of 10% in Beijing would not continue to decline due to the strict control of the country on the property market.

A person from a securities firm analyzed that the rising space of mortgage interest rate may have peaked, but from the current domestic and international economic and monetary policy situation, it is unlikely that the interest rate will drop significantly, "From the perspective of monetary policy, it may be possible to reduce the reserve ratio, but the overall direction of regulation has not changed at present. The future probability of benchmark interest rate and market interest rate remains stable, and the possibility of interest rate decline in a large area is limited."

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