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Shandong: key small and medium-sized enterprises can build houses to rent to employees

Time: 08:54:45, October 29, 2018 Source: Author:

Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development and other departments recently issued policies to support key small and medium-sized enterprises to use their own property rights to build industrial supporting housing, meet the housing needs of enterprise employees, and promote enterprises to enhance talent absorption capacity and reduce human resources costs.

Shandong Province proposed that the construction area of various supporting service facilities such as industrial supporting housing constructed by enterprises should not exceed 15% of the total construction area of the project. According to the actual situation of residents, industrial supporting housing can be reasonably matched with collective dormitories, apartments, complete sets of housing and other forms, and the floor area of a single housing is strictly controlled within 144 square meters.

Shandong Province also stipulates that it is strictly prohibited to raise funds or borrow money from employees for industrial supporting housing, and it is required to construct and accept the housing in strict accordance with the relevant engineering construction standards, design specifications and building area standards of the housing, and to carry out interior decoration and allocate necessary living facilities; Industrial supporting residential areas need to be built synchronously, or coordinated with surrounding residential areas to support kindergartens and compulsory education schools.

In terms of property rights management, Shandong Province strictly forbids enterprises to take the opportunity to engage in welfare housing distribution or commercial housing development to sell to the public. The construction land for industrial supporting housing shall remain the same as the original land. After completion, the overall right shall be confirmed to the enterprise. Split registration, split transfer and split mortgage are not allowed; In principle, it is provided to the employees of the enterprise for long-term rental use through leasing. The enterprise and employees should sign the housing lease contract online through the comprehensive service platform for housing leasing in Shandong Province, and go through the contract filing procedures.

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