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Urbanization enters the era of metropolitan area, big cities set off a boom in urban railway construction

Time: 2018-10-22 11:43:00 Source: Author:

Following the high-speed railway and subway, the urban railway is becoming a new direction of investment in transportation infrastructure, and some large cities have begun the upsurge of urban railway planning and construction.

Taking Chengdu as an example, from October 14, the new Chengdu Pujiang Railway started joint commissioning and test work. This line is planned to be put into operation within the year, which is the second municipal railway in Chengdu. In the first half of this year, two municipal railways, Chengdu Dujiangyan Railway and Chengdu Meishan Railway, also started bidding for preliminary work.

Urban railway, also known as commuter railway and suburban railway, refers to the passenger railway transportation system within the metropolitan area, which is specialized in serving the inter district, urban and suburban areas of large cities, between central cities and satellite cities, and between key cities and towns. The service range is generally 50-100 kilometers.

Statistics show that as of 2017, the operating mileage of national railways has reached 127000 kilometers, of which the operating mileage of high-speed railways has reached 25000 kilometers. In addition, a total of 5021.7 kilometers of urban rail lines have been completed and put into operation in 34 cities. Comparatively speaking, the construction of municipal railways is lacking.

Dai Bin, director of the Research Center for Regional Economy and Urban Management of Southwest Jiaotong University, told China Business News that with the progress of urbanization, some regions have entered the late stage of urbanization and suburban urbanization, which has brought about the spillover of urban functions. The core area of a big city is more closely connected with its surrounding areas, forming a metropolitan integration, A large amount of traffic demand is generated in urban and suburban areas.

By the end of 2017, China's urban permanent population was 813.47 million, 20.49 million more than that at the end of the previous year; The proportion of urban population in the total population (urbanization rate) was 58.52%, 1.17 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin all exceed 80%, reaching the level of developed countries.

In addition, Dai Bin also said that urban rail transit such as subway has a high cost and a high demand for traffic volume, but the passenger flow in the surrounding areas of the city is not so large, while the cost of urban railways and the demand for passenger flow are relatively low, which can also play the role of existing railways and give consideration to freight transport.

Zhao Jian, a professor of Beijing Jiaotong University, also said in an interview with the media that the construction cost of the city railway is only 1/5 of that of the subway or even less. The subway in Tokyo metropolitan area of Japan is only 312 kilometers, while the commuter railway is 1134 kilometers. There are 492 kilometers of subways and 2159 kilometers of commuter railways in the metropolitan area of New York.

In fact, the development model of "railway+urban rail transit" has been difficult to adapt to the changing needs of urbanization, and many cities have begun to try to build multi-level rail transit systems. Some municipal railway lines have been opened in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other cities.

Last year, Chengdu began to prepare the Overall Plan of "Three Railway Integration" in Chengdu, proposing to take the lead in comprehensively implementing the "Three Railway Integration" project in the country, to achieve full coverage of urban and suburban rail transit, interconnection of transfer hubs, and to build a comprehensive integration of urban railways with national railway trunk lines and rail transit.

In April this year, China Railway Corporation and Chongqing Municipal Government jointly approved the Implementation Plan for Chongqing to Use Existing Railways to Run Public Transport Trains, which is the first approved plan in the field of municipal railways in China. The plan requires "promoting the integrated development of national railways, municipal railways and urban rail transit, and building a multi-level, multi-mode and integrated rail transit system".

In June 2017, five national ministries and commissions jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of Urban (Suburban) Railways (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions), stating that the current development of urban (suburban) railways is lagging behind, and the effective supply capacity is insufficient, which has become a weak point of urban public transport. Problems in development concepts, systems and mechanisms are relatively prominent.

According to the Guiding Opinions, by 2020, mega cities and large cities with conditions in economically developed regions such as Beijing Tianjin Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Chengdu Chongqing, etc., the backbone railway lines in the city (suburbs) will be basically formed, and a 1-hour commuter circle will be built from the core area to the surrounding main areas; The planning and construction of urban (suburban) railways will be launched in other urban agglomerations and cities with conditions in urbanization areas.

The Guiding Opinions put forward that priority should be given to the use of existing railway resources, through reconstruction and optimization, the operation of urban public transport trains, the orderly promotion of new lines, and the organic connection with urban rail, public transport and other transportation modes, so as to effectively share the urban traffic pressure and improve the level of public transport operation.

The above Implementation Plan for Chongqing to Use the Existing Railway to Run Public Transport Trains makes full use of the existing railway and facilities and equipment to run public transport trains, creating a "half-hour railway public transport circle", including 21 districts and two economic development zones, covering an area of 28700 square kilometers.

At the same time, the National Development and Reform Commission has also selected a number of key projects in key cities to implement the municipal (suburban) railway development demonstration project, with a view to forming a development model that can be promoted, used for reference and replicated. Therefore, some experts predict that the city railway will form another huge investment market.

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