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Panpo Haomen Section of Qinghai Bianmen Expressway was officially opened to traffic

Time: 2022-10-24 09:53:33 Source: Author:

On October 16, the Panpo Haomen section of the Bianmen Expressway, which was built with the participation of China Railway 10th Bureau under the banner of China Railway, was officially opened to traffic. Xining Menyuan achieved full speed, and the driving time was reduced from 2.5 hours to 1.5 hours.

Panpo Haomen Section of Bianmen Expressway is open to traffic

The Zhangye Wenchuan Expressway Biandukou (Gansu Qinghai border) to Menyuan (Ketu) section is 150.08 km long, and the whole line is constructed in accordance with the standard of two-way four lane expressway. The contract section contracted by the Seventh Company of China Railway 10th Bureau is located in Haomen, Qingshizui Town, Menyuan County. The line crosses the "Hundred mile Rape Flower Sea", with a total length of 26.5 km.

Since the commencement of construction, the builders have overcome the harsh natural environment such as high altitude, cold plateau, strong ultraviolet light, and many technical problems such as the quality of humus soil in aquatic plants and wetlands, and successfully completed the highway. At the same time, ecological and environmental protection work will be put in the first place, and the borrow (spoil) ground will be restored while being used. The vegetation recovery coverage rate will reach more than 95%.

Bianmen Expressway is an important passageway out of Qinghai Province and an important part of the passageway connecting Gansu Hexi Corridor, eastern Qinghai Province, Gansu Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Chengdu Chongqing Economic Zone. Its completion and opening to traffic will strongly promote the western development to form a new pattern, and play a leading role in supporting transportation in order to build a highland of ecological civilization and promote high-quality economic development along the line.

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