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Shanghai's first distributed photovoltaic power generation project in expressway service area was successfully connected to the grid for power generation

Time: 2022-01-14 11:21:24 Source: Author:

Recently, the G40 Shanghai Shaanxi Expressway (Shanghai Section) Changxing Island Service Area Photovoltaic Distributed Power Generation Project affiliated to Shanghai Urban Investment Highway Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. was officially connected to the grid for power generation, marking the success of the construction of the first expressway service area distributed photovoltaic power generation project in Shanghai.

The PV shed power generation project in Shanghai Changxing Island service area takes full account of the overall planning of the parking area in the service area, uses the parking area in the west service area to arrange 231 PV modules, connects to the 380V bus of the distribution room in the user service area nearby with one grid connection point, and connects to the power grid in the mode of "self use, residual power online". The expected operation period is 25 years. The opening of the photovoltaic shed project will provide about 120000 KWH/year for the supporting new energy vehicle charging pile, which can provide more than 200000 times of charging service for electric vehicles, reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of 92.64 tons/year, equivalent to the reduction of 1800 mu of forest in a day, and the oxygen released can be used for 116000 people to breathe all day long. The "photovoltaic" and "car shed" industrial efficiency extended by the PV car shed project in Changxing Island service area makes full use of the clean power charging method developed by solar energy, so that it can become a truly green and environmentally friendly car, and can run smoothly without worry.

In the future, under the guidance of Shanghai's "14th Five Year Plan", Chengtou Highway Group will continue to actively explore the application of photovoltaic power generation led energy reform in the expressway service area, and meet the demand for electricity consumption in the service area due to the rapid development of electric vehicles in the future according to the idea of "transportation+energy" to develop clean and low-carbon roadside economy.

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