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Hefei Hi tech Pioneer Park: optimizing entrepreneurship and innovation ecology to help enterprises recover production and rescue

Time: 2020-05-15 10:25:02 Source: Author:

Hold a "half day meeting" salon to introduce special services such as "youth entrepreneurship funds" to help SMEs finance; Invite entrepreneurial mentors to provide "face-to-face" coaching and inquire about enterprise brand building; The "Roundtable Meeting on the Exchange of Major Projects of the World Earth Integration Information Network" was held to promote excellent enterprises in the park's communication, integrated circuit, big data and other fields to achieve resource docking... At present, the whole province is striving to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control and achieve the set goals and tasks of economic and social development throughout the year, as the largest entrepreneurial park in Anhui, Hefei Hi tech Pioneer Park has also recently carried out a number of activities to provide targeted support in finance, talent, resource docking and other aspects for SMEs in the park, so as to optimize the development ecology of innovation and entrepreneurship and support SMEs to overcome difficulties.


Half day talk on welcoming the new year to help small and medium-sized micro enterprises ease financing difficulties

On April 29, Gaochuang Company held the third offline salon activity of "half day talk on welcoming the new year" in Hefei High tech Pioneer Park in the Software Park. The principals of nearly 20 enterprises newly settled in the Software Park participated in this activity to discuss entrepreneurship plans and financing needs.

During the activity, Gaochuang Company focused on the introduction of "entrepreneurial mentor" action, "smart Gaochuang" platform, "youth capital" and other characteristic services, as well as the whole chain service system of high-tech entrepreneurship park. The event also invited relevant persons in charge of Zhongchuang Zhixing and Huitong Strategy to share their entrepreneurial experience and various policies of the government to support small and medium-sized micro enterprises, and highlighted the precautions for applying for high-tech enterprises to provide reference for other enterprises. In addition, Gaochuang Company also conducted on-site Q&A and communication to help enterprises carry out financing according to the financing needs of enterprises.

It is understood that Hefei Gaochuang Co., Ltd., which is responsible for the operation and management of Hefei Hi tech Pioneer Park, is also the management and operation unit of youth entrepreneurship guidance funds in Anhui Province. At present, youth innovation funds mainly focus on "creative loan" and "run-up loan". Among them, "creative loan" provides a credit loan of 300000 to 1000000 yuan, and "run-up loan" carries out a mortgage loan of 1-3 million yuan, fully covering the loan needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. Statistics show that over the past five years, 918 credit funds have been invested by youth and innovation funds, totaling 629 million yuan, and the project credit funds have reached 9.57 times of the capital pool. The 918 sub enterprises supported by the project are 100% small and micro enterprises, and the founders are all young entrepreneurs.

"Face to face" coaching of entrepreneurial mentors to improve enterprise brand building

Also on April 29, Hefei Hi tech Pioneer Park held the sixth entrepreneurship tutor service activity this year. On the same day, Gao Chenghua, the entrepreneurship tutor of Hefei Hi tech Pioneer Park and the secretary general of Hefei Quality Management Association, and Hu Xuemei, the senior quality engineer, came to the park to provide one to many "face-to-face" coaching for 10 enterprises such as InBeSmart, and conduct on-site consultations on the brand cultivation of enterprises.

Hu Xuemei took Sanlu Dairy's bankruptcy, Tongrentang's revocation of the title of China Quality Award and other events as examples to explain to enterprises the risk factors related to the core process of organization, operation and management, and the risk differences arising from the internal and external environment. At the same time, in combination with the actual situation, the entrepreneurial mentor also helped enterprises to analyze the risks and prevention and control points related to the key process of their brand cultivation in turn, sorted out their own brand cultivation ideas for enterprises, and improved their brand strategy and risk management awareness.

It is understood that in order to help enterprises cultivate talents and improve the construction of corporate culture, Hefei Gaochuang has built three major courses of "brainstorming lecture hall+innovation college+research camp" in recent years, and built a stepped, customized and diversified enterprise training system, so that everyone and every enterprise can continue to learn and grow, and inject greater impetus into the development of enterprises.

Information network project round table meeting promotes the docking of industry, university and research resources

In addition to providing financial, talent and other support for enterprises, Hefei Gaochuang is also committed to providing accurate docking of resources for enterprises in the park, so that various innovative elements can collide into a greater synergy.

On April 29, in order to promote the transformation of relevant scientific research achievements in the smart communication and big data industries, Gaochuang Company held the "Roundtable Conference on the Exchange of Major Projects in the Space Integration Information Network", a communication and cooperation platform for enterprises in the park and the Space Integration Information Network Research Institute, the 2020 high-tech entrepreneurship park communication and data industry enterprise exchange activity.

On the same day, Zhang Zhengyu, Vice President of Tiandi Information Network Research Institute (Anhui) Co., Ltd., introduced the construction of Hefei Ground Information Port and the latest scientific research achievements in the field of satellite communication and information services. And seven outstanding enterprise leaders in communication, integrated circuit, big data and other fields, including Anhui Chengding Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., also shared the main business blocks and development directions in cloud computing services, microwave technology products, communication engineering, smart cities, wireless broadband ad hoc network applications, chip design and manufacturing and other fields, And conduct on-site docking in the application field of scientific research achievements.

Enterprises have expressed that they can get to know more excellent peer enterprises through this exchange activity, so as to realize resource sharing and docking, carry out close cooperation, and jointly contribute to the development of the communication and data industry. The person in charge of Gaochuang also said that through the entrepreneur salon activity, we can deeply understand the technological needs and cooperation intentions of enterprises in the park, and then through the selection of enterprise resources in the upstream and downstream industrial chain in the high-tech zone, we can build one-to-one and one-to-many precise docking activities for enterprises, expand cooperation opportunities and space, and promote more enterprises in the park to achieve cooperation in the high-tech zone, To facilitate the development of enterprises in the park.

Improve innovation and development ecology to help enterprises recover production and rescue

The relevant person in charge of Gaochuang said that as the epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, Gaochuang will actively implement the requirements of the "pilot" entrepreneurship cultivation project in the high-tech zone, gradually carry out offline activities after the epidemic, enrich enterprise exchange activities, and build an exchange platform for enterprises in the park. At the same time, adhering to the service idea of "accurate targeting", we will spare no effort to create various activities such as "half day talk on welcoming the new year" salon, entrepreneurship tutor lecture, entrepreneur salon, and continue to empower enterprises in the park.

He said that at present, the whole province is striving to win the war of epidemic prevention and control and achieve the set goals and tasks of economic and social development throughout the year. As the largest entrepreneurship park in Anhui, Hefei Hi tech Innovation Park will continue to improve the innovation and development ecology integrating multiple key elements of capital, talent, market, technology and services, and help enterprises recover production and rescue, Help enterprises overcome difficulties.

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