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Two livelihood projects contracted by CRCC in Angola were completed

Time: October 24, 2019 14:56:05 Source: Author:

From October 18 to 19 local time, the Angola Quetta Airport and Quetta Water Supply Project contracted by China Railway 20th Bureau under China Railway Construction Corporation passed the acceptance and held the completion ceremony. Angolan President Lorenzo attended the ceremony and thanked China Railway 20th Bureau.

Quetta Airport and Quetta Water Supply Project are located in Quetta City, Biye Province, Angola. Both projects are Chinese funded loan projects, designed according to Chinese standards, and implemented by China Railway 20th Bureau in the design procurement construction EPC mode.

Quetta Airport, which was praised as "the most beautiful airport in Angola" by Vice President Bornito of Angola, is one of the key projects of the Angolan government and also an important air transport hub in the Beyeh Plateau of Angola. The construction started in February 2017, and its construction speed has broken the historical record of civil airport construction in Angola, becoming a new landmark worthy of the name of the local government.

The Quetta Water Supply Project is the largest and most complete water supply system in Biye Province, Angola, with a daily water supply capacity of 15000 tons, four times that of the original local water plant. After use, it will greatly improve the urban water supply capacity of Quetta City, provide domestic drinking water for Quetta City and four regions in the south, and is expected to benefit more than 160000 people. The project was commenced in September 2016, and the construction tasks mainly include water intake, water treatment plant, reservoir, etc.

During the construction of the two projects, China Railway 20th Bureau has always maintained a good relationship with the government of Bier Province. It has successively built 12 kilometers of gravel roads for Quetta City. The municipal power connected by the project is also used by the government and the water plant. It has received 50 letters of praise from the government.

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