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The first high bridge in Tibetan area, Lianghekou Bridge, officially opened to traffic

Time: 12:30:56, October 11, 2019 Source: Author:

After five years of hard construction, the Lianghekou Bridge in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, the highest bridge in Tibetan areas in China, which was constructed by the Second Company of China Railway 18th Bureau, affiliated to China Railway Construction Corporation, was opened to traffic on the eve of the National Day.

The Lianghekou Bridge is a key construction project during the 13th Five Year Plan period in China. The bridge spans the Yalong River Valley, with a total length of 628 meters and a main pier of 172 meters high. Due to the high height and deep valley of the bridge, the maximum wind force on the bridge deck can reach 13. The bridge is designed to fly over Yalong River Grand Canyon in one span with T-shaped rigid frame concrete continuous beam structure. The dry external climate and the temperature difference between day and night in winter up to 23 degrees Celsius add difficulties to the construction of the bridge, which is rare in China.

As an important hub connecting Yajiang County, Daofu County and Xinlong County with National Highway 318, the Lianghekou Bridge, after being completed and opened to traffic, is of great significance to promote the surrounding poor areas to achieve the goal of poverty alleviation on schedule.

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