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Closure of Main Arch of the World's Largest Span Railway Asymmetric Arch Bridge

Time: 2019-08-14 07:25:15 Source: Author:

On August 9, the main arch of Youshui Bridge on Zhang Ji Huai Railway was closed perfectly, like a red rainbow across Youshui River in western Hunan. This marks that the construction of the world's largest span railway asymmetric arch bridge designed by the Fourth Railway Research Institute under CRCC has passed the stage with the greatest risk and difficulty.

The bridge is located near Furong Town, Yongshun County, Xiangxi, Hunan Province, with a total length of 462 meters, crossing the Youshui River Valley. The valley is a typical U-shaped valley, and the slopes on both banks are extremely steep. The designers skillfully use the terrain characteristics to fly over the river valley in one span with an asymmetrical deck type steel tube concrete arch bridge with a main span of 292 meters, which integrates with the environment.

Closure of main arch

It is built close to the mountain with complex terrain, and the height difference of arch foot on both sides is 43.5m. Zhang Jie, the design director of the Fourth Railway Research Institute, introduced that in order to achieve the most "unbalanced beauty" in the world, the design works closely with the construction party, and for the first time in China, two arch ribs are lifted in the whole section at the same time. It is reported that the cable crane used for hoisting is suitable for construction where large mechanical equipment in deep mountains and canyons cannot enter the site. The designed lifting capacity is 300 tons, which is the largest lifting equipment of Zhangjiakou Jihuai Railway at present.

The closure of the main arch is the prelude to the overall construction of the entire superstructure, and also lays the foundation for the completion of the Youshui Bridge of Zhangjiakou Jihuai Railway in 2020.

The total length of Zhangjiakou Jihuai Railway is 246km, with 7 stations and a design speed of 350km/h. It is planned to be completed and opened to traffic in 2021. The time from Huaihua to Zhangjiajie will be shortened from 3.5 hours to 1 hour.

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