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IFLYTEK released the "AI+V2H" scheme to realize car home interconnection

Time: 2018-07-12 17:46:04 Source: Author:


Recently, iFLYTEK released the "AI+V2H (Vehicle to Home)" program. This scheme aims to enable the automobile industry through artificial intelligence technology and open up the connection between the automobile and smart home. At CES AISA, which opened on June 13, iFLYTEK also demonstrated for the first time the automobile central control system equipped with the car home interconnection function.

At the exhibition site, the demonstrator said to the car's central control screen, "Help me open the curtains at home." The curtains in the demonstration room immediately opened automatically. The demonstrator said, "I'm home." The room lights in the demonstration room automatically turned on. All the people around were surprised by this black technology. It is reported that this system can realize the real interconnection between cars and homes. In the car, the owner can view and control the smart home at home through it. At home, the car owner can also check the status of the car through the intelligent terminal, remotely control the car, including the door lock, air conditioner, windows, etc., and check the car's oil volume, position, brake fluid and other security settings.

According to the latest research report of Strategy Analytics, "2018 Global Smart Home Devices Forecast", in 2017, global consumers purchased 663 million smart home devices, and it is predicted that by 2023 this number will exceed smart phones to 1.94 billion. The smart home market is on the eve of an outbreak, and users' demand for smart device connectivity is also rising, IFLYTEK Intelligent IOT Cloud AIOT was officially released on May 17, 2018, providing an open, converged and intelligent cloud service platform. Support all developers to settle in by opening the interface and protocol of IOT; Aggregated manufacturers, content providers, advertisers, etc resources , sharing platform ecology, achieving win-win results, and providing leading AI capabilities and intelligent services combined with the Internet of Things. In addition to cloud connectivity, the AIOT platform also supports local fog computing (edge computing) of devices. The fog calculation makes the whole system not affected by network fluctuations, and the response time is fast; Moreover, this distributed capability makes full use of the original idle computing resources of the device and reduces the system cost.

The "AI+V2H" scheme released at CES AISA on June 13 is based on the world's top voice recognition technology and semantic understanding technology of iFLYTEK, the powerful access capability of iFLYTEK's AIOT intelligent devices, and the smart device ecology connecting Dingdong sound, and finally realizes the car home interconnection ecosystem based on voice human-computer interaction capability. IFLYTEK is clearly at the forefront of the integrated development of smart home and smart car. It is shaping a new ecosystem of smart home+car through intelligent voice and artificial intelligence technology. Now, it is providing cooperation solutions with technical advantages and ecological capabilities to global partners, opening a new era of car connectivity!

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