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Hao Peng Attends the SASAC Warning and Education Conference, Stressing to Deeply Promote the Construction of a Clean and Honest Party Style and Anti corruption Work, a Model Organization for the Central Committee of the Party to Rest assured and the People to Satisfy

Time: 2018-10-24 09:20:59 Source: Author:

On October 19, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held a warning and education conference to report the typical cases of discipline violations committed by party members and leading cadres of central and state organs, as well as the typical cases of discipline violations committed by party members and leading cadres of organs directly under the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and associations directly under the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission in recent years, and to make arrangements for further promoting the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work. Hao Peng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the SASAC, attended the meeting and stressed in his speech that we should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement the important statement and relevant important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, follow the deployment of the Central Committee and state organs' warning and education conferences, take cases as a lesson, and use them to clarify discipline, We should guide all Party members and cadres to be in awe, be on guard, and keep the bottom line. We should continue to promote the comprehensive and in-depth development of strict governance of the Party, and build a model organization that will reassure the Party Central Committee and satisfy the people. Chen Chaoying, the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission stationed in the SASAC, and a member of the SASAC Party Committee, reported the typical cases of discipline violations by party members and leading cadres of the SASAC directly affiliated institutions and associations. Shen Ying, deputy director of SASAC and member of the Party Committee, presided over the meeting and reported typical cases of discipline violations by party members and leading cadres of the central and state organs. Xu Fushun, deputy director of SASAC and member of the Party Committee, and Meng Jianmin attended the meeting.

Hao Peng pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of the SASAC and Party organizations at all levels have adhered to the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guidance, resolutely implemented the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee to comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline, and deeply promoted the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work. They are resolute in their attitude, effective in their measures, and have achieved remarkable results, It provides a strong guarantee for promoting the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets. However, from the reported typical cases of discipline violations, we should also be soberly aware that the current situation of the fight against corruption is still grim and complex. We should take the case as a lesson, be deeply vigilant, and earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to promote the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work. We must maintain our strategic focus, and make every effort to promote the construction of the Party's style of work and an honest and clean government with the perseverance of always on the road; We must establish and improve various systems and mechanisms, and put power in the cage of the system; We must carry out the responsibility of managing the Party and governing the Party strictly to the end, guide all Party members and cadres to adhere to the "high line" of ideals and beliefs, hold the "bottom line" of discipline and rules, and ensure that the requirements for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party are implemented.

Hao Peng stressed that we should take a clear stand in politics, consolidate the political foundation of anti-corruption and build a political defense line against corruption. We should improve our political position, deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instruction that the central and state organs should be political organs first, firmly establish "four consciousness", firm "four self-confidence", take the lead in achieving "two maintenance", enhance the consciousness of maintenance, firm maintenance action, and improve the ability to maintain, Ensure that the Party's line, principles, policies and major decisions take root in the SASAC system. We should strengthen our political belief, apply Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to arm our minds, guide practice and promote work, and contribute wisdom and strength to the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets. We should strengthen political experience, make good use of the powerful weapon of criticism and self-criticism, the effective carrier of political and cultural construction and the "heirloom" of ideological and political work, and constantly improve political immunity. It is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of political morality, be clear about great morality, observe public morality, and be strict with personal morality, constantly build a moral defense line against corruption, and always be loyal, clean, and responsible.

Hao Peng stressed that we should make the system "grow teeth", discipline "live", and further improve various systems and mechanisms. We should thoroughly study and implement the Party Constitution, the newly revised Regulations on Discipline and Punishment of the Communist Party of China and other intra party laws and regulations, so as to know, understand and observe discipline, further improve the discipline provisions of the organs, strengthen rigid implementation, and effectively strengthen discipline building. We should standardize the operation of power, improve the supervision system of state-owned assets, strengthen the construction of the system of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and do a good job in the prevention and control of integrity risks. We should deepen the use of the "four forms", strictly supervise the enforcement of discipline, make it a normal state that discipline must be strictly enforced and discipline violations must be investigated, and maintain a high pressure of discipline.

Hao Peng required that we should adhere to the principle of strict governance, strictly implement our responsibilities, and ensure that our responsibilities for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party are fully implemented. Party organizations and party cadres at all levels directly under the SASAC and directly under the SASAC should truly implement the responsibility system for party building. We should strengthen daily supervision and management, make more close contact with and observe Party members and cadres, often "bite the ear" and "pull the sleeve", often carry out ideological education, focus on the "key minority" of important posts, key links and leading cadres, take strict requirements and strict management as the main theme of grasping the team and leading the team, and timely educate, criticize and deal with emerging and tendentious problems. We should promote the normalization of warning education, actively explore innovative ways and means of warning education in combination with the characteristics of the unit and the actual situation of the cadre team, and constantly promote the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work to develop in depth.

The leader of the inspection team of the Party Committee of the SASAC, all the party members and cadres of the departments and bureaus of the SASAC, the reform office, the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the SASAC, and the party committee leaders of the units directly under the SASAC, the associations directly under the SASAC, and some central enterprises outside Beijing that are in Beijing attended the meeting.

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