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Li Ning Visits Linxia Prefecture and Meets with Governor Ma Xiangzhong

Time: 2020-18 12:36:56 Source: Author:

On October 15, Li Ning, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and Vice President of China Railway Construction Corporation, met with Ma Xiangzhong, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee and governor of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, during his visit to Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, and conducted extensive exchanges on helping Linxia Prefecture's industrial development, consolidating poverty alleviation achievements, and promoting the implementation of related projects.

Li Ning introduced the development of CRCC in recent years, investment and construction in Gansu and poverty alleviation. He said that CRCC attaches great importance to the cooperation with Linxia, taking the participation in the construction of key projects in Linxia as an important measure to implement the spirit of the promotion meeting of central enterprises to help Linxia's industrial development and consolidate poverty alleviation achievements, and will further give play to the advantages of the whole industrial chain, fully participate in the construction of infrastructure, cultural tourism and healthy elderly care industries in Linxia, and consolidate poverty alleviation achievements in Linxia Effectively link rural revitalization and modernization, and contribute to "railway construction wisdom" and "railway construction plan".

Ma Xiangzhong thanked CRCC for its long-term concern and support for Linxia, and briefly introduced Linxia's poverty alleviation and economic and social development. He said that Linxia is one of the "three districts and three prefectures" deep poverty areas, and it is in an important opportunity period of policy convergence, with broad prospects for development. China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC), a powerful central enterprise, is very welcome to increase investment and development in Linxia. Linxia Prefecture Party Committee and Prefecture Government will provide CRCC with a good business environment and quality services.

During the summer, Li Ning also led a team to investigate the health care resources in Yongjing County.

Relevant leaders of Linxia Prefecture Party Committee and Prefecture Government, and heads of relevant departments and units of CRCC attended the meeting.

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