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The first all steel structure air cooling tower in Inner Mongolia was completed in Mengneng Group

Time: 2018-09-20 08:40:17 Source: Author:

At 5:20 on September 17, with the last piece of steel structure skin components of nearly 100 square meters firmly in place at a height of 181 meters, the largest single project in the second phase of the Xilin project - the top of the all steel structure air cooling tower was successfully closed, and the silvery tower was shining in the sunrise, majestically standing on the Xilingol prairie, showing a sense of science and technology of the new era. It is understood that this tower is not only the largest one built in China, but also the first one in Inner Mongolia.

The tower was officially started on April 9, 2017. On April 23 this year, the first group of cooling triangle radiators were hoisted. On September 11, the installation, commissioning and flushing of the cooling circulating water system of the main engine were completed. The tower steel structure mainly adopts Q345B and Q235B steel, including lower cone section, cylinder section, stiffening ring, widening platform, upper tower ladder, outer skin aluminum plate, etc. The main structure of the tower body is a spatial structure formed by assembling lattice members. The widening platform is a truss structure, and the aluminum panel wallboard supported by purlins is used as the enclosure structure. The cone section is composed of 6 layers of triangular mesh, the upper cylindrical tower body is composed of 12 layers of triangular mesh, and there are 4 layers of stiffening rings in the middle. After completion, the overall height will reach 181 meters, equivalent to the height of 65 floors. The diameter of the bottom of the lower cone is 154 meters, and the diameter of the upper cylindrical tower is 96 meters. The total area of the skin aluminum panel is about 55120 square meters. Circulating water pipes, water tanks, 192 sets of cooling triangle radiators and other circulating cooling water equipment are installed at the bottom of the tower, which are divided into 12 cooling sectors to provide exhaust steam cooling for two 350000kW units at the same time.

In coal-fired power plants, cooling the exhaust steam after the steam turbine completes its work is one of the key technologies in the power generation process. In order to be more environmentally friendly, water-saving and energy-saving, Mengneng Group broke the convention and selected the indirect cooling technology of all steel structure air cooling tower, which had not been used in China at that time, after full investigation, demonstration and selection. By adopting this all steel structure technology, it can effectively save building materials, reduce environmental protection costs, and improve material reuse efficiency. In view of the construction characteristics of the steel structure inter cooling tower and the problems such as short effective construction period, large wind impact, and large seasonal temperature difference in Xilinhot, Mengneng Group has developed a detailed node progress and construction safety quality control plan, established a special safety and quality monitoring method, and implemented special monitoring and acceptance by special personnel. On the completed all steel structure air cooling tower, the top is surrounded by blue ribbon, and the enterprise logo in the middle is Mongolian and Chinese, which not only becomes another landmark landscape of Xilinhot, but also reflects the drive of Mengneng Group's technological innovation and the overall view of state-owned enterprises to promote national unity.

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