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Power Construction Nuclear Power Company Explores and Innovates New Human Resources Management Mode in High end Market

Time: 2018-07-12 18:10:56 Source: Author:


The Saudi Jizan 2400MW gas turbine integrated combined cycle power plant project is the largest order obtained by POWERCHINA Nuclear Power Company in the overseas market so far, and also the project with the highest EPC contract amount independently won by Chinese power construction enterprises in Saudi Arabia and even the Middle East. Since 2016, the construction of the Jizan Project of Powerchina Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. has started to accelerate in an all-round way, and the human resources guarantee work has become more and more arduous and complex. In order to better play the functions of coordination, service and management, and provide more efficient, high-quality and considerate services, the Human Resources Department of the Saudi Jizan Project Department of Powerchina Nuclear Power Company has actively improved its working methods, improved its working efficiency, and closely combined the development, utilization, integration, efficiency improvement and other functions of local and international human resources with the progress and operation of on-site construction, Integrate human resource management into project development in a solid and effective way.

Human resource management refers to a series of processes such as recruitment, training, use, assessment, incentive and adjustment of employees in an enterprise to mobilize their enthusiasm, give play to their potential, create value for the enterprise and bring benefits to the enterprise. It is an important link in enterprise management. By introducing foreign employees from nearly 10 countries, the Saudi Jizan Project Department of Powerchina Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. has built a senior management team of QA, QC, HSE, etc. It has also constantly improved the recruitment system, formulated a salary system that conforms to local laws and regulations, established and improved the training system, covered the corporate culture in each system, improved the sense of belonging and honor of foreign employees, and provided maximum human performance for the project. At present, more than 1600 Chinese employees and more than 1900 foreign employees on the construction site form a harmonious, stable, united and friendly international family.

More than 3000 Chinese and foreign employees are distributed in 16 departments and units. Human resources management is not an ordinary heavy task. In daily work, the Human Resources Department visits Chinese funded enterprises in neighboring countries and other enterprises in the Economic City to learn about the human characteristics and labor costs of different human resources companies, and forms a reference and decision for the Project Department. At the same time, according to the ratio of skills and technicians of various professional companies and the needs of general workers, a group of relatively cheap foreign workers with certain construction experience were found through the localized human resources management company. After negotiation and communication with them, 592 foreign workers were successfully recruited, and they were dispersed to various front-line professional units, It not only supplements the on-site labor force, but also effectively reduces the labor cost.

In order to give full play to their value, the Human Resources Department has also organized professional companies to provide technical training for the more excellent foreign workers. After a period of practice and running in, a considerable number of foreign workers have taken up technical and management positions, which has added new help to the development of the project and built a bridge of friendship for the harmony of Chinese and foreign employees.

When it comes to human resources in Saudi Arabia, we have to mention the unique "insurance" system in Saudi Arabia. The "guarantor" system means that all migrant workers entering Saudi Arabia must first have a Saudi Arabian or a company as the "guarantor". The "guarantor" is responsible for the visa, work permit processing and extension of migrant workers, and controls the departure and retention of migrant workers. 50% of the income of migrant workers is extracted by the "guarantor" in the form of commission, Therefore, joint ventures between foreign investors and Saudis generally exist as "Baoren" human resources companies, and a large number of high-quality human resources, including highly skilled talents, are in the hands of "Baoren" human resources companies. In order to meet the needs of all parties on the site for various types of human resources, the Human Resources Department actively seeks to establish and maintain cooperation with 32 relevant human resources companies (28 local companies and 4 overseas companies), carries out global recruitment, and establishes long-term partnership, which provides guarantee for the needs of various types of human resources on the site.

In order to improve the work efficiency of localized construction personnel, and timely dismiss unqualified or low labor efficiency foreign employees, the Human Resources Department implements the last elimination system and salary promotion system through the internal performance appraisal of foreign employees, successively dismissing 38 unqualified foreign employees, warning 76, and raising 29 salaries. Through rewarding the good and punishing the bad, the Human Resources Department constantly integrates excellent resources, It effectively stimulated the enthusiasm and initiative of employees, improved the overall quality of foreign employees, and maintained the dynamic balance of the number of employees while purifying the team.

In order to establish a model, carry forward the advancement, and stimulate the enthusiasm and vitality of young employees to strive for excellence, the Saudi Jizan Project Department has carried out a series of "Top Ten Series Selection Activities" for two consecutive years, selecting technicians, Chinese workers, foreign workers, foreign management, Chinese management and other activities. At the same time, the "Top Ten Technology Optimization", "Top Ten Technology Solutions" "Top Ten Management Team", while setting an example, made outstanding young employees quickly enhance their self-confidence and sense of dedication, and set up a good atmosphere of "comparison, learning, catching up, helping and surpassing" within the project department.

Aramco's high allocation requirements for personnel in key positions are a problem lingering in the Jizan Project Department, which must also be faced and solved. After internal selection and implementation of incentive policies in Jizan Project, we have repeatedly pushed our visa personnel to apply for key positions. Now, we have achieved self owned personnel in key positions: 60 quality supervisors, 6 coordinators, 30 safety officers, 3 third level lifting workers, 7 work permits, and 5 operators. At the same time, we also selected professional training institutions among Aramco's qualified subcontractors to conduct operator certification training for cranes, forklifts, hoists, loaders, elevators, etc., and strengthened cooperation with training institutions to deepen understanding and communication, established a win-win cooperation relationship, constantly reduced training costs, controlled the training process, and focused on training effectiveness. At present, cumulative training acquisition (replacement) More than 700 person times of certificate.

"If you don't accumulate frog steps, you can't make thousands of miles". The human resources management of Powerchina Nuclear Power Company's Saudi Jizan project will be based on the Saudi and Middle East human markets, strive to find more professional human resources companies and more flexible employment methods, constantly explore and establish a talent pool of foreign employees, and provide guarantee and support for the sustainable development of Powerchina's overseas projects.

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