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The power consumption per ton sinter of Fangda Jiugang keeps falling

Time: 09:11:27, March 14, 2019 Source: Author:

Since March 4, under the condition of basically full load production, the power consumption per ton of sinter in Fangda Jiugang Iron and Steel Plant has continued to decline to below 37.8 kilowatt hours per ton, 1.85 kilowatt hours per ton lower than the 2019 annual plan, the best level in the past half a year.

The plant dug deep into the potential and took many measures to reduce the power consumption per ton of sinter. In terms of management, under the condition that the temperature of finished sinter does not exceed 150 ℃, the plant adopts two 710kw annular cooling fans for sintering in the west area and one 500kw annular cooling fan for sintering in the east area to meet production requirements and reduce power consumption. In terms of equipment, the plant took air leakage blocking measures for sintering machine, annular cooler and dedusting fan systems, required each shift to conduct patrol inspection on air leakage points, and timely handled air leakage when found, effectively reducing the air leakage rate; For phased production lines such as fuel crushing system and raw fuel feeding system, power saving measures such as "peak load avoiding and valley filling" and "machine shutdown after construction" are implemented. In terms of process, the plant effectively uses waste heat resources, reduces power energy consumption, uses steam heated hot water to digest lime powder, improves lime powder digestion effect and mixture temperature, improves the permeability of sinter bed, and achieves the good effect of increasing sinter output and reducing product power consumption.

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