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Opening of the 5th World Internet Conference Central Enterprises Help Intelligent Wuzhen Acceleration

Time: 2018-11-08 10:35:16 Source: Author:

On November 7, the "Internet Light" Expo of the Fifth World Internet Conference opened in Wuzhen. With the theme of "creating a digital world of mutual trust and common governance - jointly building a community of shared future in cyberspace" and the positioning of "international, innovative, future, leading and integrated", the Expo focuses on the latest development trends and cutting-edge technology trends of the world's Internet, The latest achievements made in the in-depth implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on building a network power throughout the country, as well as new technologies, achievements, products and applications of the world's Internet, will be intensively displayed. And the central enterprises also escort the safe and reliable supply of power and network for the Congress.

[Communication Guarantee]

China Telecom: 5G enables "intelligence" and connects all things to help intelligent Wuzhen acceleration

As one of the main network and service guarantee units of the conference, China Telecom Optical Network, 4G, NB IoT and AiWiFi four boutique networks provide strong support for the smart Wuzhen. China Telecom Zhejiang Branch started the construction of 5G pilot network at midnight road in Wuzhen, completed and opened multiple 5G base stations. At present, the total bandwidth of Jiaxing MAN exit of China Telecom has reached 1760G, and the bandwidth of the permanent site of the World Internet Conference has reached 60G, realizing "100GbE entrance hall, 10GbE to the venue, and 10GbE to the desktop". The MAN equipment will also fully support IPv6, and IPv6 applications will intuitively reflect its significance in solving the problem of insufficient IP addresses and network security. At the same time, China Telecom has optimized its base stations along the high-speed railway, densely populated areas, and Wuzhen Internet security core area in Jiaxing, making every effort to build a 4G boutique network. In addition, China Telecom's NB IoT boutique network has achieved 100% coverage of Wuzhen area and deep coverage of important venues, and the applications of intelligent fire hydrants, intelligent dustbins, intelligent street lights and so on are constantly enriched.

In terms of physical network, China Telecom adopts dual routing and dual backup protection for all backbone access in Wuzhen. Three telecommunications access machine rooms are set at the permanent meeting site. The network architecture adopts dual nodes, dual devices, dual bearers, and dual routes to achieve dual insurance. In terms of information security, China Telecom sorted out 39 important security units and included them in the 7 × 24 hour monitoring of abnormal traffic. A three-level DDoS attack protection system consisting of backbone network, metropolitan area network and cloud has been formed based on "cloud embankment", with a protection capacity of more than 2Tbps. In terms of command and dispatching, the large network monitoring screen developed on the basis of Hangzhou Major Summit Safeguard Platform was put into use for the first time in the communication support headquarters of China Telecom Wuzhen World Internet Conference this year.

China Unicom: ingenuity creates high-quality network, and the main force carries the burden for five years

For five consecutive years, China Unicom has been the main operator of the conference's network communication services. This year, China Unicom built 18 new base stations in the scenic spots and key support areas of towns, 150 2/3/4G stations in the scenic spots, and more than 1400 2/3/4G stations in the surrounding areas and transportation trunk lines, fully realizing 100% network coverage; Take the lead in completing 5G peak rate verification in Wuzhen and realizing 5GNSADC networking single user experience peak rate exceeding 3Gbps. At the same time, China Unicom's on-site service point work and bilingual Chinese and English seating services have been opened to greet the participants with full enthusiasm.

China Tower: Provide multi-level security communication guarantee for the conference

China Tower Zhejiang Company and its subsidiary Jiaxing Branch implemented the smooth communication and network security guarantee work of the World Internet Conference. As early as the middle of October, Zhejiang Tower and Jiaxing Tower established the organization and management system and working mechanism of emergency communication support during the conference as early as possible, strengthened the review of support experience over the years, and improved the organization and command ability and emergency response ability to deal with emergencies. Establish the conference support information communication and feedback mechanism, and prepare for the standby of support personnel and support vehicles, generators, oil engines, batteries and various spare parts. Secondly, emergency security drills will be carried out at Wuzhen security site one month in advance, and emergency response drills such as municipal power failure and power supply recovery will be carried out.

In addition, China's iron tower has vigorously carried out the construction of 20 new and renovated stations, as well as the troubleshooting and rectification of 359 existing stations in key areas, to ensure the safe operation of base stations during the summit. Timely complete personnel and material support and various emergency preparations to ensure that everything is safe.

[Power Security Part] State Grid: ensure the "Wuzhen Time" is bright at the right time

From November 7 to 9, the 72 hour "Wuzhen Time", as a power supply guarantee unit, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. prepared both "4000 KVA main power supply capacity" and "4000 KVA standby power supply". In addition, the newly added No. 3 main transformer of a 500 kV power station transformer that provided power supply guarantee for the conference was put into operation successfully, injecting more powerful energy into the glittering convening of the Internet conference. In addition to the "solid reinforcement" of the power grid, the State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. has also continuously optimized the power security mode and strengthened refined management from the user side. In the war preparation and pre war phase, the company has revised the "front-line and one volume", "one station and one volume" and "one library and one volume" to clarify the focus of power protection work at the user side, specific tasks of each post, requirements for daily patrol inspection content and emergency response methods, completed special detection and test of power supply and consumption equipment at each power protection point in the scenic area, and carried out in-depth troubleshooting of power protection venues, Urge the user to complete the rectification, and guide the preparation and implementation of power protection at the user side.

At this World Internet Conference, 966 power security personnel from the State Grid, together with 198 vehicles and 14 mobile power generators (including one set of flywheel energy storage power generators), are going all out to enter the actual state of power security with high quality, so as to ensure the realization of the overall goal of "four zeros" and continue to write a new chapter.

China Huadian: Take multiple measures and spare no effort to ensure power supply for the conference

In order to ensure the power supply for the conference, Zhejiang Branch of China Huadian Group Co., Ltd. took multiple measures to ensure the power supply for the conference. Huadian Zhejiang Company insisted on early deployment, early action, early implementation, careful organization and careful deployment, and took a number of measures to solidly promote the work of power protection to ensure the safe and stable operation of units during the meeting. Strengthen safety management, carry out autumn safety inspection in depth, carefully formulate work plan and task decomposition for hidden danger investigation, strengthen safety skill training and emergency plan drill, and eliminate personal and equipment accidents. Strictly implement the security and fire control management requirements, do a good job in information work and security team building, improve the prevention mechanism, and do a good job in emergency drills. Deeply promote network and information security management, improve various information security management and emergency system construction, and ensure that network and information security are controllable. Benchmark operation safety management requirements, strictly implement the "two tickets, three systems" and labor discipline, improve the quality of equipment patrol inspection, and strengthen the control of pollutant emissions. Thoroughly check equipment defects, do a good job in analyzing and controlling dangerous points, timely deal with defects, and ensure the speed and quality of defect elimination.

As of 14:50 on November 7, the daily power generation of Huadian Zhejiang Company reached 7.5049 million kilowatt hours, and the equipment of power plants in Zhejiang region operated smoothly.  

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