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Jianglong Boat "Fuyu" Passenger Ship Successfully Launched

Time: 2018-10-22 11:38:56 Source: Author:

Recently, the inaugural ceremony of the passenger ship "Fuyu" built by Jianglong Boat for Hong Kong Fuyu Ferry Co., Ltd. was successfully held.

 Jianglong Boat "Fuyu" Passenger Ship Successfully Launched

 Jianglong Boat "Fuyu" Passenger Ship Successfully Launched

During the whole construction process, Jianglong Boat was designed and built in strict accordance with the requirements of the Marine Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government, and all construction indicators were striving to improve. The ship is 32.8 meters long, 8.2 meters wide, carrying 199 passengers, with a speed of more than 16 knots, and can withstand a typhoon of magnitude 8 and a wave of 4 meters. It is specially designed for island routes between Hong Kong and Hong Kong.

 Jianglong Boat "Fuyu" Passenger Ship Successfully Launched

 Jianglong Boat "Fuyu" Passenger Ship Successfully Launched

With the gradual advancement of the strategy, as well as the demand for the consumption of shipping transportation facilities and the upgrading of equipment for the urban construction and development of the Great Bay Area, it will bring unprecedented development opportunities for the shipbuilding industry. Taking advantage of the hinterland of Zhuhai and Zhongshan, the core cities in the Greater Bay Area, Jianglong Boat will seize the opportunity, put the construction quality and technology first, and serve the development of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area with excellent boat products.

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