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Your current location: home page  >  Shipbuilding industry
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 Ningbo Zhoushan Port has more than 100 "20000 box" ships annually
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 Jianglong Boat "Fuyu" Passenger Ship Successfully Launched
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 Chinese shipyards will become the largest variable of new shipbuilding price in the future (pictures and text)
China Shipyard Becomes Future New Shipbuilding
 Three state-owned enterprises in Fujian jointly set up a luxury cruise investment company
The three state-owned enterprises in Fujian unite with each other
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  1. Ningbo Zhoushan Port has more than 100 "20000 box" ships annually
  2. CNOOC won the bid for nearly US $210 million Lingshui 17-2 Gas Field Development Project
  3. Jiangsu Haitong Marine Engineering Equipment 7980t Product Oil Ship "Shengyou"
  4. Shanghai Shipyard 2500TEU domestic container ship "Zhonggu Rizhao"
  5. The world's largest refitted orange juice transport ship "Sai" built by CSSC Chengxi
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