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Postnatal recovery of Yuemanxin
  • Franchise industry:

    Mother, baby and child > Maternal and Child Living Hall

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two thousand

  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Postnatal recovery of Yuemanxin Introduction to joining

 Yuemanxin resumed joining after childbirth

Introduction to Yuemanxin's brand after delivery

Yuemanxin International Postnatal Recovery Center headquarters has many years of chain operation management experience, professional operation team

Enterprises, employees and franchisees become one family for the same dream. Yuemanxin adheres to the concept of "support, care, interaction and communication", takes culture as the soul, shapes the service brand of "family", brings happiness to franchisees and customers, and lets franchisees win together with us.

Yuemanxin International Postnatal Recovery Center is committed to creating a healthy, beautiful and spicy mother, with four service systems: postpartum recovery, body shaping, skin management, and special services, covering hundreds of small projects, to provide one-stop postpartum beauty services for women. Postpartum beauty+beauty and body care cover a wider range of people and have a stronger ability to create wealth. Yuemanxin helps thousands of women realize their desire to become beautiful, and helps entrepreneurs realize their entrepreneurial dreams.

Yuemanxin International Postnatal Recovery Equipment Speciality: Postnatal recovery equipment (multi effect care adjustment instrument, pattern shaping queen, buttock beauty master, temperament beauty recovery instrument, moisturizing body beauty recovery instrument), body beauty equipment (Miaoshu Spicy Mom beauty carving instrument, Qianxian beauty management instrument), beauty equipment (health beauty management instrument, water beauty beauty instrument) and other product equipment. The environment is comfortable. All products used in the whole process are sterilized at high temperature and qualified.

Yuemanxin's technicians are all professionally trained to work. Postnatal recovery technology is professional. They care for postpartum mothers, care for every postpartum mother, and create beautiful mothers. Yuemanxin's complete facilities and equipment, professional post natal recovery skills, beautiful and elegant environment in the store, and thoughtful smile service make every post natal mother experience pregnancy and remain as before.

How about Yuemanxin resuming joining after childbirth

Yuemanxin International Postnatal Recovery Center is subordinate to Jinan Dexin Home Service Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Shandong Guanyi Group Co., Ltd. The company, relying on its strong technical research and development and brand operation strength, combined with its rich brand experience, has successfully operated a number of mature brand chain franchise projects and thousands of cooperative stores nationwide, and is a professional brand chain operation service provider.

At the same time, Yuemanxin headquarters also has a brand research and development, operation, training, marketing system and strong market competitiveness. Provide the franchisee with the service of delivering equipment to the store, and provide free technical training. It provides multiple projects with arbitrary combination and superposition, customizes the franchise scheme, and realizes the diversification of franchise stores. The franchise stores are supported by nannies throughout the process, and ten functional departments operate around the franchise stores.

 Yuemanxin resumed joining after childbirth

Postnatal recovery of Yuemanxin Franchise advantages

 Yuemanxin resumed joining after childbirth

Eight advantages for Yuemanxin to resume joining after childbirth

Big market: Tailor made recovery plans to meet the needs of postpartum women for beauty.

Strong strength: It has a brand R&D, operation, training, marketing system and strong market competitiveness.

Good: On site experience is more effective and better to create a healthy, beautiful and spicy mother.

Good brand: franchise stores are all over the country, with high brand awareness and reputation.

New technology: the equipment is delivered to the store by the headquarters for free technical training.

Mode activity: multiple projects can be combined and stacked arbitrarily, and the franchise scheme can be customized and diversified.

More support: nanny support throughout entrepreneurship, and ten functional departments around you.

Strong after-sales service: the number of after-sales team is far more than that of the investment promotion team, which will escort your operation.

Postnatal recovery of Yuemanxin Franchise conditions

Conditions for resuming joining after the full moon

1. Franchisees need to have a cost capital of at least 186000 yuan.

2. The operation and opening of the store need a certain place, so the area of the store must not be less than 34 square meters for normal operation!

3. Franchisees can formulate and purchase equipment and materials from the headquarters and carry out other opening preparations at the same time.

4. The configuration of special equipment for the whole system in the store must be in accordance with the company's unified requirements.

5. It must be an enterprise legal person, operator or natural person within the territory of the Communist Party of China who has legitimate self management.

6. Recognize the brand's business philosophy and accept the management method of the headquarters.

Postnatal recovery of Yuemanxin Franchise process

After the full moon, the franchise process is resumed

1. Investigate the market

Understand the number and operation status of the existing product stores (professional and non professional) in the city where the franchisee is located, such as Yuesao stores and Yuezi clubs.

2. Visit the headquarters

Franchisees go to Yuemanxin's franchise headquarters to understand the specific details of the franchise, visit and investigate the headquarters, and the headquarters will conduct market analysis according to the city where the franchisee is located.

3. Sign contract and conduct training

Franchisees receive 3-7 days of training, including: franchise store location, store layout, company operation, advertising strategy, and how to sign customer orders. Staff recruitment and management, etc.

4. Opening preparation

Franchisee returns to the local place for store location selection; Handling of industrial and commercial tax license; Store decoration; Employee recruitment; Advertising, etc.

5. Store opening

After the preliminary work is ready, it will open on a certain day. The headquarters will send teachers to the local area for 3-7 days of staff training, assessment, management guidance, customer orders, etc.

6. Later support

Franchisees can communicate and learn with the headquarters in the later stage of opening stores to help them operate smoothly.

User consultation

  • Is it OK to join in the county

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the recovery after the month! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 22:22:11 From China  39.188.221*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Hundreds of thousands. It's inconvenient to call after seven o'clock in the daytime.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the recovery after the month! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 06:58:23 From Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province  60.180.41*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 78000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the recovery after the month! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 01:57:45 From Shawan County, Xinqiang  49.117.48*
  • I want to join the agency and hope to cooperate

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the recovery after the month! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 22:44:17 From Handan City, Hebei Province  59.109.147*
  • Please reply to me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the recovery after the month! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 08:42:13 From Fujian Province  58.22.113*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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