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[Fruit Secret Language Drinks] Welcome to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > drink
  • Total number of stores six hundred and twenty home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2006-08-18
  • management model Franchise of distribution agent
  • Suitable for people Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
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What are the advantages of joining in fresh fruit secret language drinks

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  • Advantages of joining in fresh fruit secret language drinks:

    1. The complete CIS system, the fashionable storefront design with deep characteristics and priority, is novel and eye-catching, which is a beautiful landscape. Provide the right to use the full set of corporate image VI vision system. The headquarters pays attention to image planning, and the professionally designed VI vision system makes the store unique.
    2. There are many varieties of fresh fruit secret language drinks, with a wide range of categories and hundreds of varieties, which can meet the unique preferences of different consumers, let consumers get what they need, and thus attract more consumer groups.
    3. Fresh Fruit Secret Language Drinks has a professional technical team, which can provide you with comprehensive technical training to keep your store competitive.
    4. Various guidance and training have brought about the success of franchisees. The distribution of the two major logistics centers in the north and south, the improvement of the electronic distribution platform, and the instant completion of goods selection and orders.
    5. The headquarters provides franchisees with various resources such as marketing concept, staff training, copywriting, business negotiation, brand management, financial management, logistics management, and business supplies.
    6. After the expiration of the franchise contract, the franchisee is willing to continue cooperation, and can give priority to handling new franchise contracts according to the headquarters policy. Improve/increase the privilege and support of agents to monopolize the market preferentially.

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