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[Unlimited self-service barbecue] Unlimited self-service barbecue is invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > barbecue
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Guangdong
  • Date of establishment 2013-04-18
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to unlimited self-service barbecue

 Unlimited self-service barbecue
Simple and fashionable dining environment, various upgraded barbecue experiences, a wide range of fresh ingredients, and reliable per capita consumption. Yes, this is "unlimited self-service barbecue". The most important thing about barbecue is experience. A free and comfortable barbecue experience is modern enough to meet your dining requirements. The cooked food in human history comes from the reward of lightning. Since then, human beings have fallen in love with barbecue. After thousands of years of changes, barbecue has also undergone various evolution processes.
Unlimited self-service barbecue strictly selects fresh ingredients, and traditional charcoal barbecue is used to maintain its unique flavor; The combination of barbecue culture and modern fast fashion concept creates the enjoyment of natural simplicity and elegance. Meals create a rare free space for you in the bustling city. In the busy city life, it is advisable to slow down and explore the original flavor with unlimited self-service barbecues to release the long lost nature. Unlimited self-service barbecue workshops are good for investment attraction. The image of unlimited self-service barbecue will be committed to advocating a relaxed lifestyle, so that customers can enjoy more delicious food and services in a more comfortable dining environment. In terms of brand communication, unlimited self-help barbecue takes "hands on" as the brand slogan. From the material level, it means to enjoy the hands-on fun of self-service barbecue. In terms of spirit, it is more a kind of spirit of doing things personally and boldly, a kind of unrestrained and not serious attitude towards life.
Unlimited self-service barbecue investment attraction department, general management department, etc. Unlimited self-service barbecue adheres to the business philosophy of "delicacy, creation, and original ecology", strives to reduce costs with "one point, and is very delicious. The business principle is always to put taste, health, quality, and service first! While operating the traditional barbecue, the unlimited self-service barbecue follows the trend of the times of consumption. The unlimited self-service barbecue series of dishes with health, green, environmental protection and other characteristics, raw grilled chicken wings and chicken neck, which have been developed painstakingly for many years, are widely popular among consumers because of their advantages, such as crispy chicken outside, tender chicken inside, tasty chicken, and more refreshing aftertaste than traditional barbecue, LV, which has been rated as BBQ on the Internet, also has a series of brand dishes: roasted brain flower, roasted eggplant, and bean curd with syrup; The business of direct stores and franchise stores continued to be good. In the coming days, Infinite Self service Barbecue will continue to be committed to the new development of advantageous projects in technology, manpower, service, creation, original ecology, etc., and work hard to create a priority barbecue brand and strive hard!

Advantages of unlimited self-service barbecue

 Unlimited self-service barbecue
1. Provide a full set of brand VI visual image system for free to ensure The brand image of all franchised stores is unified.
2. The company headquarters has set up a good product team, which can timely control the market trend, grasp the market trend, and constantly develop new products to meet the market demand and improve product competitiveness.
3. The headquarters continuously imparts technology and new sales methods free of charge to different regions and markets to help partners gain growth services and win more competitiveness in regional markets. Business continues to be hot.
4. The headquarters has a perfect system, which can well balance the development of various departments. The headquarters has a good grasp of the market accuracy And be able to share the updated experience and skills to the franchise stores in a timely manner, and hold various training services irregularly to promote mutual progress and common development of both sides.
5. Follow up and assist in the whole process, provide consulting services for store selection before opening, cooperate in decoration and opening, and provide staff recruitment, training, promotion and other advisory planning.
6. The unlimited self-service barbecue headquarters implements the system of special personnel responsible for special areas. The company will assign franchisees with poor management to directly guide the operation, make efforts to overcome difficulties. If the franchise store cannot continue to operate due to special circumstances during the operation period, it can apply to the headquarters for withdrawal or transfer, and can help the franchise store to withdraw, transfer or purchase after being reviewed by the headquarters. security After exiting the franchise system, the number of franchisees can be reduced to zero.

Conditions for joining unlimited self-service barbecue

1. Must have strong brand awareness, understand the brand and loyalty of unlimited self-service barbecue, identify with the corporate culture and brand value of unlimited self-service barbecue companies, and recognize the brand advantages of joining unlimited self-service barbecue.
2. Franchisees can accept the business model of franchise, recognize and accept the brand concept and mission of unlimited self-service barbecue.
3. It has project start-up funds and a certain amount of working capital.
4. There is a certain business site and storage facilities suitable for its business objectives.
5. Obey the unified brand management of the Investment Promotion Headquarters and actively maintain the company image.
6. Have qualified social relations and public relations processing ability.
7. With perseverance, hard-working spirit and qualified awareness of modern service industry.

Unlimited self-service barbecue joining process

1. Preliminary understanding
Communicate with the headquarters in the form of phone calls and online messages.
2. Field visit
We will send major Our staff will introduce you to the market overview of the project, the cost of the project, including your site selection, etc.
3. Qualification evaluation
Submit the intention consultation, apply for joining, and the headquarters will evaluate the cooperation qualification after receiving it.
4. Formal signing
According to market research and our own situation, we will finally determine the scale of entrepreneurship and the way of joining, and formally sign the joining contract.
5. Site selection
The site selection has the following requirements: ① The size of the store needs to meet the lower requirements of the headquarters. ② The location of the store is better to choose a place with a large flow of people and is conducive to traffic.
6. Shop decoration
The headquarters will design a decoration scheme that conforms to the brand image for the franchise store. The franchisee only needs to decorate according to the drawings. After the decoration is completed, it can be accepted and reviewed.
7. Headquarters training
The headquarters will arrange technical training for franchisees, and issue authorized bronze medals after passing the training.
8. Opening preparation
Handle the business license and other relevant certificates, and then carry out the opening planning and early publicity preparation.
9. Opening operation
Headquarters dispatch during trial operation major The staff shall guide the operation of franchise stores and assist in opening. After the official operation, the headquarters will also provide follow-up support.

Unlimited self-service barbecue joining information

  • Brand name: Unlimited self-service barbecue
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Guangdong
  • Brand establishment time: 2013-04-18
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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bond: element
management expense: element

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  • I am interested in returning to the League and hope to reply as soon as possible.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to unlimited self-service barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 05:54:40 From Changzhi City, Shanxi Province  60.220.69*
  • How much do I want to join your company? Please answer how to join.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to unlimited self-service barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 01:04:19 From Liaoning Province  42.249.62*
  • Very interested. Can you learn more about it

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to unlimited self-service barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 20:51:51 From Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province [Telecom]  59.41.16*
  • You can contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to unlimited self-service barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 02:58:54 From Fujian Province  58.22.114*
  • I have a presence on Kuanghuaxing Road in Kashi, Xinjiang, and I want to be an agent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to unlimited self-service barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 06:02:44 From Anhui Tongling [Telecom]  60.173.16*
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