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Whose coffee
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Western Food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:

    the republic of korea

  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000


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Whose coffee Introduction to joining
● Whose coffee is the world's top ten coffee franchise brand!
● Develop the market with specialization, lead the competition with internationalization, and base on the market with standardization!
● Pre opening support+post opening support, so that you can start your business without worrying!
● Fashion store+boutique store+flagship store+luxury store, a variety of store types for you to choose!
With flexible and reasonable franchise policies, full supporting coaching and training, multi product, multi style and multi brand selection, 50 franchise stores have been successfully copied nationwide, and the operation system is mature.
"Whose Coffee" is one of the brands of Beijing Ronghua Jiayue International Catering Management Co., Ltd. The company has "Whose Coffee", "Mofan Coffee", "Badu Steak", "Korean Joy Drink" and other health industries. Whose coffee strives to continue the brand miracle created by whose coffee in South Korea. Now the nationwide investment promotion cooperation is fully launched. China and South Korea join hands to dominate the coffee industry and launch the "1000 stores alliance". In the short term, whose coffee shops will be successively opened in large, medium and small cities across the country, so that more coffee lovers can join WHO COFFEE. Whose Coffee Joins
   Brand Introduction
The brand of WHOSE COFFEE originates from Seoul, South Korea. Its predecessor is ONE POINT COFFEE, which is located in Jiangdong District, Seoul, South Korea. The tall French windows are carved with fine patterns. Through the bright windows, you can see the wooden tables and chairs inside, comfortable sofas, and warm lights. Mr. Kim Tae ran near the window holds a cup of coffee, Talk with friends easily.
The one who came in was Quan Huixian. She was dressed in splendid clothes. She ordered a cappuccino. She was really a woman of sentiment.
WHOSE COFFEE is not only a coffee shop, but also a diversified cultural leisure space. We are willing to become friends with you here, and we are willing to break the tradition to create a warm, romantic, joyful, cotton filled, happy and complex cultural leisure space.
   The whole store output mode enables you to start hot business without experience!
Perfect brand image, advanced management mode, successful operation experience, unique western food production, exquisite coffee products... all of them are awarded to each terminal operating store in a bundled way. With the terminal operating mode, a complete service system, and the whole store output mode, the brand advantage of "Whose Coffee Coffee" is instilled into the operation of every coffee shop, Let entrepreneurs easily get started, quickly master, operate easily and calmly.
Whose coffee Franchise advantages

   Mature operation system - global standardized unified output
Comprehensive development of coffee market brings new wealth opportunities Whose Coffee Joins

◆ China South Korea joint venture, with strong strength, relies on the mature operation system of South Korea. The Korean headquarters in Seoul and district Beijing have set up direct stores, which have a good radiation effect in the process of globalization;
◆ The headquarters has a kitchen, a standard meal system, and a mature logistics distribution system, so that the franchisee can easily not worry about the later operation process;
◆ Style orientation - traditional coffee shops have become a thing of the past. The atmosphere of youth, vitality and rich artistic flavor is increasingly favored by the post-80s and 90s generation. Our positioning style is simple and fashionable. The wooden structure tables and chairs, the self leveling floor, and the classic red brick wall all belong to our special style;
◆ Brand Endorsement , Korea's new artist, Gao Junjuan, spoke for our brand, which greatly improved the brand effect; Whose Coffee Joins

◆ Technology sharing - The head office of the Chef Department has hired a five-star western chef who has served the Hilton Hotel at a high salary. Under his leadership, every delicious dish is called a work of art with complete color, fragrance and taste; Executive bar: the third consecutive Bresta Coffee Maker Competition in 2009, 2010 and 2011 ranked top. In a comfortable and elegant environment, it takes minutes to produce a cup of fragrant cappuccino, and there are various kinds of flower patterns;
◆ Coffee Academy ---- a base for delivering talents to franchisees nationwide. Let franchisees have teachers to guide them in the early stage of store opening, and supervisors to patrol the store in the later stage, so that they can supply in time in case of personnel shortage and solve personnel problems;
◆ Coffee beans ---- each bean is made of pure imported original beans from Brazil and baked in cooperation with large domestic manufacturers, ensure Every cup of coffee is fragrant;

◆ Team ---- We are a rookie team. It is an extremely energetic team. There are mainstays of the post-80s generation and fledgling post-90s generation. Everyone has their own dreams and coffee dreams. With strong attachment to coffee, we hold hands and move forward together!

 Whose Coffee Joins

  Franchise advantages

1. Management support:

Whose coffee operation team provides for each franchisee major Training, including coffee, western food culture, cost control, staff management, product sales, market promotion, management report and customer demand feedback major Knowledge.

2. Operation support:

The headquarters provides good marketing support services and solutions for each of our partners, and our marketing team will combine their coffee business philosophy with previous practical experience according to the different conditions of each partner store to help each store tap its great potential.

3. Improve image:

Whose coffee operation team has an experienced marketing team to plan and promote the whole brand according to the local economic consumption of the franchisee.

4. Distribution support:

Provide the main raw materials for food production at a uniform price, unify the quality of raw materials, and support the coffee franchisee who has the purity of product quality and taste.

5. Creation and R&D:

Creation is the foundation of survival in all walks of life, and whose coffee is more important. Whose coffee R&D team invests heavily in taste improvement and new product R&D every year, and regularly launches new products or improved products, so that whose coffee products can maintain an advanced position in the market.

6. Store supplies:

The head office provides the VI image system for the coffee franchisee partners, as well as the coffee labeling tableware, uniform store staff clothing, in store posters, food and beverage packaging, DM leaflets, membership cards and other store operating supplies.

Whose coffee Franchise conditions

 Whose Coffee Joins

1. Franchisees need to recognize the brand culture and understand the brand joining policy.

2. It is necessary to have sufficient funds for franchise and operation.

3. With good The ability to handle social relations and public relations.

4. Comply with the regulations of the franchise headquarters, strictly implement the requirements of the headquarters, and conduct market operations according to the specifications.

5. There are (self purchased or rented) shops, and the area and geographical location meet the requirements of the coffee company headquarters.

Whose coffee Franchise process

 Whose coffee

1、 Consult the headquarters of "Whose Coffee" for policy

2、 The headquarters inspects whether the franchisee meets the conditions for opening a store

3、 Determine the address, and the headquarters will send personnel from the marketing department for field investigation

4、 Both parties sign a franchise contract to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties

5、 Apply for business license and go through relevant procedures with relevant information of the company

6、 Complete design and decoration of the store, and personnel recruitment and training

7、 Trial operation and official opening

User consultation

  • Want to find a suitable franchise store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to whose coffee! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 17:54:54 From China  39.179.233*
  • Want to join the project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to whose coffee! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 15:09:54 From Xinjiang Unicom  43.242.153*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Less than 5 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to whose coffee! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 07:02:15 From Huangdao District, Qingdao, Shandong  60.209.132*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 10000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to whose coffee! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 20:48:55 From Ningxia  42.63.245*
  • I want to know how to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to whose coffee! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 13:09:04 From Gansu Province  42.93.191*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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