Ranking list of luggage stores

2021-10-27 08:54:09 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Luggage has always been in great demand in China. At present, there are many luggage brand stores in China, and many entrepreneurs also want to join in this industry.

Luggage has always been in great demand in China. At present, there are many luggage brand stores in China, and many entrepreneurs also want to join in this industry. But if you want to develop in the competitive market, you need to choose a reliable project to develop. At present, there are many brands in the market. Let's take a look, What are the league tables of luggage stores?

Ranking list of luggage stores

LEE case

LEE, It is an American brand founded in 1889. It pursues practicality and fashion and has created classic suspender pants. With its classic design, LEE luggage has become a classic in the luggage industry and is known as one of the three major luggage brands in the world. The brand of LEE luggage is constantly developing and gaining support from many franchisees. LEE luggage has signed a distribution agreement with Eastpak, an internationally famous trendy luggage brand owned by VF, a large clothing company in the world, and has obtained the distribution rights of Eastpak brand in the East China region, the network nationwide distribution rights, and the special channel nationwide distribution rights.

Kangaroo bags

Kangaroo bags were founded in France, the fashion capital of the world, and have a certain market share in the European market. They are mainly designed by Saint Dieka, the designer of the French KHARONO fashion studio. Their market positioning is the business leisure series for professional men. Adhering to the fashionable, simple and classic design ideas and the unique style of free and easy, they highlight the confident and noble life quality in details. A classic work originating from French romantic feelings, deeply permeates the persistent pursuit and understanding of the quality of life, combines profound cultural heritage with modern fashion, and makes the kangaroo bag brand have a high awareness and reputation in the market.

AceGene bags

AceGene luggage product types are divided into men's bags, women's bags, silver bags, belts, gift boxes and suitcases according to consumption levels and habits. In terms of operation details, the company will gradually subdivide the products into different levels to achieve style and personality. For franchisees, this mode is more transparent and easier to enter, and once entered, the company can quickly establish a strong brand height in the region. AceGene bags have been well received and recognized by partners and consumers both in terms of product quality and style, as well as pre-sales and after-sales services, and have accumulated excellent reputation in the industry.

The above is about Ranking list of luggage stores There are many luggage brands in the market. Xiao Bian just introduces these famous series. No matter which one you choose, I believe that through my own efforts and the training of the headquarters, you will be able to further your success.

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