How much is the franchise fee of the coffee shop

2021-10-22 14:18:25 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Coffee is one of the three major drinks in the world and has a broad market demand. Therefore, entrepreneurs will aim to open coffee shops for a long time. However, the business of coffee shops is not as easy as everyone expected. Faced with problems, some people bravely chose coffee shops to join in and open stores, which turned out to be a great success! This has inspired everyone at once. But before starting a business, we should first understand our economic strength. Let's find the answer to the question of how much the franchise fee is generally.

  • Brand name: Coffee shop
  • Industry: Restaurant > coffee shop
  • Number of stores: 580
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

Coffee is one of the three major drinks in the world and has a broad market demand. Therefore, entrepreneurs will aim to open coffee shops for a long time. However, the business of coffee shops is not as easy as everyone expected. Faced with problems, some people bravely chose coffee shops to join in and open stores, which turned out to be a great success! This move has inspired everyone at once. But before starting a business, we should first understand our economic strength How much is the franchise fee of the coffee shop Let's find the answer to this question.

How much is the franchise fee of the coffee shop?

According to the experience of Xiao Bian, the cost of joining a coffee shop is about 700000 yuan or even 1000000 yuan, including equipment, decoration, rent, water and electricity, labor and other expenses.

Nevertheless, the unit price of coffee shops is relatively high. Many operators will combine coffee business with baking, simple meals and other businesses, bringing more revenue to the stores, with very good results.

Coffee shop joining has these advantages:

Some people will argue that since the cost of joining a coffee shop is so high, why can't we risk opening a shop ourselves? The cost will not be so much. But in fact, the benefits of brand joining are generally known to industry insiders. Coffee shop joining can share these conveniences:

one . Store location selection, preparation, business guidance and consulting services in the business area and business circle, and provision of targeted business guidance manuals;

two One stop service: provide decoration services directly according to the situation of franchisees. At the same time, it also provides shelves, distribution, business guidance and training for franchisees. Help franchisees start business with less decoration cost and shorter decoration time;

three Provide a return and replacement mechanism and increase fast logistics management. Provide monthly promotion suggestions to franchisees, and franchisees can adjust their goods accordingly , The logistics center ensures the timely and accurate supply of goods;

four Provide training on the operation system of the franchise store, including operation practice, unique marketing mode, store management, product guide, etc;

five Regularly or irregularly organize large-scale public service promotion activities with influential media at home and abroad to create a more famous brand;

six Regular business guidance and training. In case of unsatisfactory performance of franchise stores, timely help find out the causes, analyze and solve practical problems, and follow up the whole process of service.

In short, the advantages of joining a coffee shop are obvious. Few people can refuse, so we should pay more attention to it directly How much is the franchise fee of the coffee shop The question of. Welcome to contact us for consultation on various brands.

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