How much does it cost to join a desktop milk tea shop

2020-07-08 07:48:03 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 139 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

How much does it cost to join a desktop milk tea shop? In addition to the franchise cost of desktop milk tea brands and the construction cost of milk tea stores, the daily water and electricity costs, personnel recruitment costs, raw material procurement costs, certificate processing costs, working capital and other miscellaneous costs

  • Brand name: desktop milk tea
  • Industry: Restaurant > drink
  • Number of stores: 478
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan

Although there are many milk tea brands with different characteristics in today's catering market, in essence, most milk tea shops operate traditional pearl milk tea, that is, desktop milk tea spread from Taiwan. For consumers, desktop milk tea is also a kind of milk tea that they can easily accept. Therefore, entrepreneurs who want to operate milk tea stores usually start with desktop milk tea brands. that How much does it cost to join a desktop milk tea shop? Listen to the analysis.

 Milk tea

   How much does it cost to join a desktop milk tea shop? First, there will be a franchise fee for a brand.

Although milk tea shop is a low threshold entrepreneurial business project, because the competition in today's milk tea market is relatively fierce, most people are still willing to use the way of joining existing brands in order to get the attention and recognition of the market and mass consumers as soon as possible.

As the joined milk tea brand, it needs to share its intangible and tangible assets with the franchisee in the process of franchise operation, and has certain losses to its own interests, so it will charge a certain amount of franchise fees to make up for its losses and also realize mutual supervision in cooperation.

The specific amount of franchise fees for desktop milk tea stores depends on the requirements of the brand. For example, some milk tea brands that are relatively small in the market share is not high and are in the development stage, so the franchise fee will not be too high, ranging from 20000 to 50000; For example, some well-known milk tea brands have gained full popularity, so the franchise fee will be higher, reaching 100000 to 500000 rooms.

 Table featured milk tea

   How much does it cost to join a desktop milk tea shop? Then it comes to the construction cost of the store.

In fact, the demand of milk tea shops for store size is relatively low. The larger milk tea shops can arrange two or three sets of tables and chairs to provide customers with space to rest. The smaller milk tea shops may only be able to accommodate equipment, operating consoles and raw materials, and provide services of taking out and delivering.

Therefore, the construction cost of desktop milk tea stores is high and low. Because the milk tea shop needs to be located close to the prosperous commercial area and has a certain flow of people, the monthly rent is at least two or three thousand yuan here. If it is decorated, it needs a look of 10000 to 50000 yuan. The equipment in the milk tea shop is common products, and the total cost is only RMB 20000 to 30000.

 Table type Braised Herbal Milk Tea

  How much does it cost to join a desktop milk tea shop? Based on the alliance costs of desktop milk tea brands and the construction costs of milk tea stores, plus daily utilities, recruitment costs, raw material procurement costs, certificate processing costs, working capital and other miscellaneous costs, we can roughly analyze that the total investment of a desktop milk tea store in the early stage of alliance should be 50000 to 500000.

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