How much does it cost to join a luggage store? How to join a luggage store

2018-11-23 10:38:52 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 726 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Traveling on business is always accompanied by luggage, and luggage has become a good partner for people to travel. Fashion bags can always quickly attract people's attention. Good bags should not only be fashionable, but also very practical. The sales volume of the luggage industry in recent years has been very good, attracting the attention of many franchisees.

Traveling on business is always accompanied by luggage, and luggage has become a good partner for people to travel. Fashion bags can always quickly attract people's attention. Good bags should not only be fashionable, but also very practical. The sales volume of the luggage industry in recent years has been very good, attracting the attention of many franchisees. The low cost of joining in the luggage industry, which can be operated, has attracted many entrepreneurs to join in. So, How much does it cost to join the luggage store? How to join the luggage store? Now let's give you a detailed introduction.

 Luggage shop

The cost of joining a luggage store of different brands is different. Generally speaking, for a luggage store with an area of about 60 square meters, the total franchise cost in the first tier cities is about 200000 yuan, in the second tier cities is about 150000 yuan, and in the third tier cities is about 100000 yuan; To open a store with an area of about 90 square meters, the total franchise cost in the first tier cities is about 300000 yuan, in the second tier cities is about 200000 yuan, and in the third tier cities is about 150000 yuan. From the above, it can be seen that the luggage stores opened in different cities have different business areas, and their required franchise fees are different. The larger the franchise stores are, the higher the city level they are in, and the higher the franchise fees they need. The franchisees can choose according to their own economic conditions.

 Luggage shop joining

To join a luggage store, it has little difficulty in joining and stable operation, which can bring unlimited cash receipts for franchisees. The franchise process of the franchise luggage store is very simple: make a detailed consultation and understanding of the brand to be joined -- the franchisee can go to the franchise headquarters for field inspection to determine the franchise intention -- after both parties have reached an agreement on the franchise policy and matters, formally sign the cooperation franchise contract, The franchisee should pay the corresponding franchise fees to the company - the headquarters will make appropriate choices for the franchisee and guide the franchisee to decorate - the headquarters will make preparations for the opening of the franchisee. After everything is ready, the franchisee can officially open on a good day. Later, the headquarters will also provide various support and help to the franchised stores to ensure that the franchisees can easily operate without worry.

 Luggage shop joining

How much does it cost to join the luggage store? How to join a luggage store? The small editor has introduced it to you very clearly. Let's see it clearly. Luggage is now in great demand in the market, and joining a luggage store is a good project with great development prospects. Now there are many brand luggage stores attracting investment nationwide. If you are interested in joining the luggage store project, please get in touch with the headquarters as soon as possible and get rich as soon as you join!

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